Chapter 3: Tell Me What's Wrong

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The next morning, I caught Levi walking past my house. I quickly made my way to him in front of my house. Damn, I should wake up early or something. My alarm is set at 6:45 am and school doesn't start until 8. Maybe I should stop sleeping in like that.

"Levi!" I shout. He doesn't even look my way. "Hey, Levi, what's wrong?"

"Tch, none of your business." He pushes me slightly, but not enough to hurt me.

I noticed that he was constantly rubbing his right cheek with his hand. I couldn't see what was wrong, but I know that he didn't want me to see anything. "Levi, what's wrong? Did something bad happen to you?"

"What? No, nothing."

I sighed and without thinking, I rushed in front of him and moved his head to see what he was covering up. When I saw it, I gasped and we stopped walking. I couldn't help but cover my mouth with my hand, "L-Levi... what happened?"

The bruise itself was dark purple, the edges were purple and red. He covers it with his hand, pushing me away. "Tch, I said nothing's wrong."

"Where did you get that?"


"Levi." I carefully, removed his hand, he didn't resist me this time. He looked away as I examined it. The bruise was fading, but it was still clear to me. Swollen purple, in shape of a fist, like someone punched him. "Did you get into a fight?"

"No." I touched it gently and Levi flinched. "Stop it."

"Sorry..." I say, still examining it. I touched the edges of the bruise and I felt it swollen under my thumb. "Levi, that's pretty bad, where did you get it?"

He was silent for a while before answering my question, "I fell."

I wanted to slap him for that. That type of answer? Please, that bruise looks like someone punched him and he wouldn't have gotten a bruise from a fall. "You're lying." I say. "You can't cause a bruise by a fall like that. I can see clearly that it was made by a fist. Did you get into a fight?"

"You asked me that already, and I answered you."

"Maybe I wasn't clear with you, Levi. It's a bruise caused by a fist, where did you get it? Simple question."

He pushed me out of the way and kept walking. I tried to catch up to him, but every time I was next to him, he sped up. "Leave it, Hanji." He says when I asked him again. When we got to school, he didn't say goodbye to me, just left me alone. Where did he get the bruise? I wish he could tell me so I could help him... Levi, tell me what's wrong... I'm worried for you.

*   *   *

I found Nanaba, Miche, and Erwin in their spot, Levi was nowhere to be found. Lunch today was terrible spaghetti that's not even cooked right with tasteless garlic bread. When I came at the table, I sighed and put my head down.

"Hanji, what's wrong?" Nanaba asks me, touching my hand. "Did something happen?"

I sat back up, wanting to beg for answers, but I restrained myself. "Yeah... this morning, I saw that Levi had a bruise on his right cheek. I asked for details, but he wouldn't say. Just by looking at the bruise, I knew it was caused by a fist. Do you know anything about it?"

As I expected, they sighed and leaned back in their chairs. The secret that they won't tell me about. Erwin leans forward, begging me to come closer. He then whispers into my ear, "We know, but we can't tell. I'm sorry. Just know, that Levi doesn't mean you harm when he does that, okay?" I sat back into my chair, thinking why it would endanger me.

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