Chapter 7: Someone to Stand For

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After the dance, it was Spring Break. And during that time, Levi took me out on dates every other day, which to him was everyday. He drove me down to the city, where I finally met Isabel in person. Then before I knew it, the break was over and soon, Levi was going to graduate, leaving me alone next year.

As usual, Levi walked with me to school, but this time... everything was different. The way he talked to me changed, from friendly to being childish and playful, the way he looked at me... completely different. "Is it alright if we doing something fun tonight? You know, the movies or something..."

"I don't know... I'm pretty much looking forward to this one movie, but can't watch it since it's a school night." We walked straight to my locker with a huge crowd standing around it. "Excuse me, but what's going on?"

Some random kid comes towards me, "Dawn's pretty about this one person."

I pushed through, is she doing something? Once I got to the center, my locker was painted in lipstick, "Revenge" was written on it with Dawn's name underneath. My mind was split, part of me wanted to crawl into a corner and wait for the embarrassment to be over, another telling me to go straight to her and talk about it, and the other is telling me to cause a fight with her. 

"Hanji, it's okay..." Levi repeats over and over as he dragged me out of the crowd. "It's okay, I'm right here..." His words calms my nerves from doing anything stupid... oh Levi... "Hey, you're fine now, I'm right here."

"I... I want to leave right now..." My sight became blurry, feeling this warm feeling in my eyes. "Please-"

"We will, come on, let's just get you to your class right now. What's your locker code? I'll get you everything you need."

"45-25-11. I just need my binder for German."

"Okay, I'll get your binder, just, head down to that class. I'll be down there in a few. I'll get it and say it's mine. I won't mention you at all."

"L-Levi... why?"

"Because I love you... and I care. You don't deserve this, nor any of this embarrassment. I'll take the blame for everything if it means that you're still here with me." He kisses my forehead and pushes me slightly. "Go. I'll be there."

I do what he says, I went down to the classroom and waited. Minutes passed by and it was close for school to start, but that didn't worry me. What worried me was Levi and him taking the blame for me. I wanted to resolve it right then and there, but afraid that Levi won't like it if I left.

4 minutes before the bell, Levi walks in, but had bruises on his face. My binder in his hands, untouched.

"Levi!" I shout, I couldn't contain myself. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly, "What happened?!"

"Doesn't matter right now. Take it. I'll explain at lunch." He kisses me before leaving the classroom. 

I carefully examined the binder, untouched, not even a single scratch on it. I want to know the details, but I fully understand that Levi fought his way out. Thank you, Levi, I love you...

*   *   *

Nanaba, Miche, and Erwin were sitting at their usual spot, but something was different. When I sat down, they were smiling at me, like they knew something.

"W-What are you looking at me for?" I asked, trying to look away.

Erwin leans forward, still smiling at me. "We know that you and Levi are dating."

I became really warm when he said that. Nanaba shoots me a glance that she approved, smiling and winking at me. "Don't try and hide it, we know. And we saw."

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