Chapter 8: Traveling

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I was chosen to be part of a group that's going to travel out of the country. Everything would be fully paid for, but the only thing that held me back was that... Levi wouldn't be there. Everything was packed up, but I couldn't leave now... not without Levi...

"Hey you..." I snapped out of concentration when I heard Levi's voice. I turned around to see him in my window, just smiling at me. I see him look around, seeing my packed suitcase. "Going somewhere?"


"Shh... it's fine..." He climbs out and into my room, walking towards me. His arms wrapped around my neck and I felt comfortable. "Tell me what's wrong..."

"You know... the school picks people to take out of the country, and I was chosen. But... you're not coming..."

"Well, I was chosen as well, but I didn't want to leave because of you. But, if you're leaving... then I'll change my mind."

"You'll come?!" He nods in reply. I swear that my heart grew twice as fast, beating twice as fast. "Oh... thank you thank you thank you thank you! Levi! You're the best boyfriend ever!" I squealed loudly and he couldn't even hold me properly.

He smiles at, kissing my forehead, "Well, I better be the best boyfriend. Or else I would have to do my hardest to be the best one there is..."

"Thanks for coming with me..."

"Of course. I never paid any details, but uh... where are we going?"

"As I heard, we're going to Spain first, France, then Germany."

"Can't say I speak Spanish, but French, I'll translate for you."

"And the same thing for Germany. I speak German, so, you're fine as well..."

Levi kisses me on the lips, "We both got each other..."

*   *   *

I had never seen Levi this afraid. Hyperventilating as soon as we were waiting for the plane. He couldn't even eat a sandwich or drink a soda when we passed through the security. But it was a beautiful sight... the sun was just rising above the ground, hiding the stars in its glory.

"H-Hanji..." I turned around to see Levi, attempting to drink my soda. "Y-You mind?"

I shake my head, "No, you need it the most."

"I hate heights..." He groans as he slurps the soda silently.

I sit next to him, taking his free hand, "Don't worry... I'm here for you..." I smiled at him and he looks away. I've been told that I'm never afraid of something, and seeing him like this... I feel so bad that he has a fear... and I don't.

"Usually, it's me that's comforting you..." He kisses me on the cheek, squeezing my hand. "Now, it feels weird when it's the opposite..."

"Oh, stop it, Levi... we'll help each other, right?" I giggle just a bit. I looked around the airport waiting section. Dawn, for some reason, was also chosen to be on this trip. She glares at me, but I didn't want to tease her. I guess I was that kind of person. I wanted to shout at her, 'Levi chose me, not you.' But thinking it through, I guess it wouldn't work like that way... I leaned on Levi's shoulder and slowly closed my eyes. Hopefully, this trip would go so well...

*   *   *

After some time in Spain, we went off to France. We were allowed to choose who we would partner up with, in Spain, we couldn't. So, as would always do, I chose to share rooms with Levi. He didn't seem to care, but it was the teachers that were concerned; luckily, they did allow me with share with Levi. When we arrived at the hotel, I chose a bed, closest to the balcony, that way I can see the city glowing at night.

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