Chapter 4: Afternoon with Levi

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The next morning, I went down to the culdesac, trying to find Levi's house. I made sure that I left in time, just in case if I got lost. Levi didn't exactly give me the address to the house, so I was left to search, house by house. At the end of the culdesac, I tried the very last house. For some reason, I was drawn to it.

I knocked 3 times on the door, "Levi? It's me, Hanji."

I hear rapid movement inside before the door opens. "Hey." Levi says to me. He opens the door wide enough to let me inside.

Inside was different than what I expected. I expected the house to be dark and gloomy, but it was opposite. The walls were painted a light brown shade and the wood was dark oak. No pictures on the walls, or anything decorative. Few plants were around, almost dying. When I examined the room, something caught my eye. A pile of cans, neatly stacked nearby a couch.

"Wow.. this is..."

"Different than you expected? Yeah, of course it did. You can go and make something in the kitchen if you like. You can ask me anytime you want."

"Thanks, Levi."

"Follow me, I'll take you to my room."

I follow him upstairs, feeling the creaks of the stairs. Upstairs was the same as downstairs, empty and emotionless. Levi leads me into his room, which was completely different. The wall color was the same, yet the plants inside was fully watered and neat. The desk was completely organized and nothing felt out of order. No photos on the wall, yet he had a picture on his desk. Since that caught my eye, I quickly made my way there, picking the photo up from the desk. I looked at it, a family photo. A young woman with black hair and gray eyes, had her hair down, holding a 3 year old boy in her hands. The child was similar to the woman, black hair and blue-gray eyes. He was playfully holding a teddy bear in his hands, holding up to the woman. The woman was laughing at the child... weird, seeing the child... he reminds me of someone...

"What do you think?" Levi asks, walking next to me.

"Who are these people?" I asked, holding the photo to him.

He sighed as I showed him the photo. "The woman's my mother, and obviously, the child's me."

"Aww..." My heart sank as I looked back at the photo. Seeing how happy he was... and looking at who he is now, was his mother's death that impactful? "Levi... you were so adorable..."

"Ah, shut it." He pushes me childishly and smirks at me. "You can keep it, if you like. My uncle's not gonna like seeing it, after all, my mother was his sister."

"Are you sure? I don't want to take it if-"

"Hanji, I have the original one, and besides, I memorized the photo for so long, I remember every detail of it." He pushes the photo to me. "Keep it."

"I... I don't know what to say." I carefully placed the picture frame into my bag. "I'll give the frame-"

"Keep the whole thing. I don't mind at all."

"L-Levi... I don't know what to say... thank you." I felt myself smile as I kept rambling in my head. He's letting me keep this photo and the frame... that's the nicest I ever been treated, except my friends at Sina High School.

"Just, don't tell anyone what I'm doing for you."

"Especially your friends?"

"Especially them, Hanji. Especially them..." He collapses on his bed, laying down, spreading his arms wide. I hear him sigh, "It's weird having someone else here..."

I walked to him, sitting next to him on his bed, "Hey, take your shirt off."

"What?" He says, I felt my whole body turn warm when he said that. "Why?"

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