Protector Part 3

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Virgil watched as Logan paced back and forth clearly agitated. He quickly looked away trying to avoid the annoyed look Logan shot him.

"How are you unable to transform into a dragon? Its should be fairly easy and since I don't know your element.... I can't teach you anything! Ugh i'm going to get a migraine." Logan mumbled Virgil looked up to find Logan impatiently watching him,

It had started out with Logan teaching him the general mythical creatures that lived in the city but when it came time for him to use his abilities nothing had happened. No matter how hard Virgil tried he just couldn't change and this had led to a very angry Logan.

Virgil tried to calm his breathing while trying to maintain an indifferent tone while speaking.

"How the heck should I know I never tried to do it before and besides I don't see the problem it just means I'm normal, If anything your suppose to know you are the smart one."

When he looked up Logan was staring at him suspiciously, he was about to apologize when Logan walked out and left him standing there awkwardly.

Logan didn't come back and after waiting there for fifteen minutes he left.

Virgil was pissed as he walked home his mind began to race about how he was freak even in the mythical creature world and human one too. He had no right to be this city's protector he wasn't good enough. He slowly became so lost in thought he hadn't notice it had began to rain a light drizzle but the more frustrated he got the more it poured


Roman thoughts were elsewhere when he heard his name being called.

"Sir, What can I do for you?" Roman asked making sure his voice didn't waver.

"It's your turn to go in the arena and if you pass this test you'll get to kill your first dragon.... This is honor and many were eager for the chance what do you have to say?"

"Yes sir and I won't let you down."

Roman began to put on his armor and grabbed his favorite sword and slowly made his way toward the arena.

He stepped in and heard the gate behind him lock with a loud click. He looked up to find all his peers watching him but that didn't matter not when his master or father was watching. He looked away and got into his stance and that signaled he was ready. The giant metal door was lifted and a girl about his age with colorful hair was shoved into the arena with him.

They tried to seem brave but Roman saw the fear lurking in their eyes and then he swung his sword down at them with all his might but was shocked to find himself being pushed back.

In all honesty Roman was fascinated with mythical creatures and always dreamed of learning more about them but his family came from a long line of knights that fought them and as long as he could remember he was forced into the arena battling one creature after another he never killed them but injuring them was still awful. It didn't matter to his father fairies,mermaids,giants, and etc. They all were evil in some way.

Roman glanced up to find the girl had changed into a giant rock golem of some sort but suddenly changed into a small mouse that began to zig and zag towards a small opening.

They were a shapeshifter and Roman knew that they would be able to escape so he put on the best acting performance. He acted like he tried to stop them but was making sure to do a poor job of it.

In the end they were able to escape but Roman's father wasn't happy.

"You should have killed her while you had the chance! You carry on the family name and so far I'm disappointed in calling you my son! Now you have till the count of ten to get out before I kill you myself you piece of filth." His father growled the last words out and had grabbed his knife and softly began to count.

Roman quickly fled grabbing his emergency bag that had all the necessities he needed to survive out on the streets for a couple of days with. This happened fairly often but it could always be worst. He ran not even paying attention where he was going his tears and rain mix together making the dark city streets and buildings blur together. He kept running knowing that the further away he got the better things would be.

He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings so how could he notice a dark figure you walking in front of him.

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