Protector Part 11

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Virgil couldn't believe that he never found out about his friends and he couldn't do anything help but listen to Remy as he explained about how both Patton met and found out about each other and how Virgil being the protector was just the best thing. On those part Virgil would force a smile that would turn into a grimace once Remy looked away.

After awhile of this Remy suddenly stood up and waved his hand in front of Virgil's face and making him flinch and look at Remy with a confused look. Remy chuckled "I just said that we should be "waking up" because Patton is still in the real world and was concerned about you before I left." Virgil nodded and before he could ask how they were going to get back he was face to face with a concerned Patton in a semi dark nurse's office.

Virgil jumped back and looked around when he spotted two glowing red dots hovering in the corner of the room and slowly Remy came into view and as soon as he did he put his sunglasses on and grabbed his coffee from the table and to a huge sip. For a while the room was mostly quiet except for the slurping noises coming from Remy that was until Patton made a weird noise and hugged Virgil.

"Patton, what's this for?" Virgil wheezed out as Patton hugged him tighter. "I was worried for you and I felt like you were keeping secrets from us because you didn't trust us but I understand why you did it." Virgil was confused and was going to question him when remy just said "eyes" and went back to his phone and drink.

"I'm sorry that I made you worry so much... I wanted to tell you but I was afraid of how you guys would react even though Roman told me you guys would be fine with it bu-" Virgil was interrupted by a shocked Patton and Remy who had even looked away from his phone. "Roman knows?" Virgil fidgeted with the blanket as he spoke. "It was by accident he happened to see and there was no way I could convince him that it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but he promise not to tell and even tried to convince me to tell you guys."


"Yes, but like I said before I thought you'd be freaked out by me and not be my friends any more." Virgil suddenly felt another pair of arms wrapping around him and found that both Patton and Remy were giving him a hug. "We would've never stop being friends with you no matter what, because we love you." Virgil felt a small smile form on his lips and he hugged back and was filled with happiness. Suddenly a clicking noise sounded and the lights turned on and both Remy and Patton looked at lights before looking at Virgil.

When they finally stopped hugging Virgil grabbed his sunglasses and put them on and just a couple of minutes later the nurse walked in and looked at all of them "seems you guys are okay, go ahead and head back to class."

Virgil quickly grabbed his things and the smile remained on his face until blanket was thrown on him. " Don't question it just follow us." Virgil followed his friends into the hallway where they led him to a nearby bathroom Patton standing behind him and Remy holding the door open. Patton quickly checked the bathroom and gave a nod towards Remy who closed the door and stood by it. "Okay take off the blanket." Virgil did what he was told and groaned in frustration as he watched his tail flick back and forth in agitation.

Hello people reading my book, I'm sorry for the huge delay in this story but I was having a hard time figuring out how to properly write this chapter and I was seriously overthinking it. So now that I got this chapter out of the way the others will hopefully be written faster. I want to thank you for putting up with my terrible writing and slow updates.

- emo rainbow

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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