Chapter 2

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Adam's POV

I reluctantly walked up the stairs and headed to her door. I knocked lightly and waited a couple of seconds for an answer but there was silence. I put my hand on the cold brass door knob and turned it. Peering around the room it looked like a tornado has passed through it; there were clothes on the floor which was alongside make-up and other scattered open lotion bottles. 

I knew something was wrong, she wasn't in the room and it was too quite.

I was about to turn around and leave until I heard a faint sniffing from her bathroom. I knew what I was expecting to see when I had opened the door. Slowly I approached it turn the handle and whispered "Leah" and stood there paralyzed.

Leah's POV

"Leah" I faintly heard but I didn’t know where it was coming from. Was someone speaking to me or was it in my head. I decided that it was my head and through the tear blurred eyes I returned the blade to my wrist.

Slowly slid it across it as the tear seeped into my newly cut skin causing it to sting. I removed the blade and moved it down my arm a bit to repeat my actions.

"Don't you even dare!" I knew who it was straight away but I refused to look up or reply.

"Look at me Leah" I still ignored him until he said sternly “Look at me now Leah, or I'll tell Andy"

A quite "Don't" escaped my lips and I looked up at the only person who knew about my problem.

"Why Leah, why would you do it again?" he said as he slowly removed the blade from my trembling hand.

"Because I'm ugly" I answered causing him to sigh heavily.

I looked back down at my wrist the blood was pouring from the cut and started to cry again. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up. I heard him hush me and cradle me like a baby. I didn’t like this feeling it made me feel weak and like a child.

 I pushed him away from me and headed to the stairs.

“Leah, we both know what will happen if you go down there!” he shouted to me still stood in the place I left him. I gulped and turned to see him, tears were forming in his eyes. I went back into my room and closed the door behind me. He sat down on my bed and patted the place besides him. I sat down refusing to look at him.

Adam’s POV

I bushed her wavy brown hair from her face and lifted her chin so that she was looking at me. I couldn’t believe that she could do something like that again. She thought so little of herself it made he so angry and Andy’s constant teasing wasn’t helping her at all but it’s not like he realised what was going on, he was so wrapped up in this band that he can’t see her slowly crumbling in front of his very eyes.

 “Leah I’m begging you please stop doing this to yourself. I don’t see why you hate yourself so much you’re absolutely beautiful.” I knew my words were falling on deaf ears I wasn’t even expecting her to reply.

But she spoke up “That’s not what Andy says, he always tells me that in fat and ugly I don’t blame him anyway cause its true.”

Her eyes welled up; she started shaking which could mean that she was about to break down again. This isn’t what I wanted this visit to be like.

Ryan’s POV

“She is your sister?” I had repeated this question about 10 times in the last couple of minutes.

“Yes” Andy replied I could tell by the tone of his voice he has getting frustrated. I didn’t think that they were related. To be honest I thought that because of the way she leaped into his arms you could have mistaken the situation and thought that they were dating.

 Maybe I shouldn’t have called her hot because he seemed to be very aggravated. I was getting too wrapped up in my thoughts because Andy was now staring at me. I wish Joel had been here as well so I didn’t have to go through this situation alone. I resented Adam from running upstairs.

 “Ryan don’t you even dare think of doing anything with Leah. Or I swear I will cut your balls off.” 

“Don’t worry mate, I would try anything with your sister. I think its Adam you should be worried about” I didn’t expect the last part to come out.

“I’m not worried about him though, him and Leah are really close.”

"Are you sure?"

With that he stood up and started to make his way towards the stair I quickly joined him on our pursuit.

I could hear mumbling coming from the door. Andy opened the door. I wasn’t expecting to see Leah cuddled into Adam. She hadn’t notices that we had entered the room until and shouted.

“Leah why the actual hell are you cuddling with Adam, you’ll crush him” She shoot up and ran toward the bathroom. Adam got up after her and ran to the door which she had managed to shut before he got there.

Adam turned to look at Andy anger pouring out of his eyes. He lunged forward grabbing a hand full on Andy’s shirt and pulling him close to him. He said a little louder than a whisper “You idiot, you don’t understand what’s going with her. She was just getting better and now you have sent her right back to where she was before.”

“Before she does what? Adam what is she doing. I swear you best tell me what’s my sister your on about” Andy said a lot louder than Adam’s volume.

 “I can’t tell you. She won’t let me tell anyone” With that Adam let go of Andy shirt and put his hand back onto the door. He spoke after a minute. “Leah please doesn’t do it. I know it’s hard but that is no way to deal with things. Please open the door and let me in”

We stood there in silence then heard the door click and out popped Leah’s head. Her eyes were red and puffy. In one movement she grabbed Adam and pulled him into the bathroom, leaving a very confused Andy standing there frozen with his mouth open.

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