Chapter 9

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Adam’s POV

I was supposed to be having lunch with Carys today. Alone... I wanted to catch up on thing seeing as I hadn’t seen her since 2 weeks ago. The time was never right to sneak out of the house without the boys being on my case about ‘where are you going?’ and ‘who are you meeting’ so I was happy to be seeing her. Well it was supposed to be just the two of us, but last night Carys had called to ask if she could meet Leah. I didn’t want to say no to her cause she might have thought I was hiding something.

 After my phone call finished I went into the lounge to ask Leah if she want to go but as I was about to enter the room I heard Ryan’s and Joel’s voice in a hushed shout. I didn’t feel like getting into the middle of their bickering so I went to bed.

I woke up to a beam of light blinding my view. After about 5 minutes of trying to endure the pain I finally gave in. In one swift movement I whipped the covers off of me and was stood up right. I took a moment to compose myself, grabbed a top off the floor and headed for Andy’s apartment picking up the spare key on the way. I was getting some weird looks from passing neighbours as I walked. I put my head down to shield myself from their judging eyes and quicken my pace. Three minutes later I found myself at their door and slipped the key in and turned the handle.

 “Hello…” I shouted hoping to get someone’s attention. “Andy, Leah are you awake?”

 Typical. They were asleep. One thing you should know about the Brown’s is that they can sleep for England. I made my way toward Leah’s room. But before I got there I passed Andy’s door. The temptation to look in was too much so I took a peak. I opened the door slightly to find Andy spread across his floor with one foot on the bed cuddling his guitar. This had to be tweeted. I crept over to him getting my phone ready in the process.

 I clicked the capture button before I realised that my phone was still on loud. My eyes shoot over to Andy’s body. He was stirring. Quickly I turned around and ran for the door. Looking back over to see Andy still asleep. Once I got into the hallway I continued my mission of getting Leah to come and meet Carys. I slowly open the door to Leah’s room. She was still asleep but was strangely still dressed in the clothes she was wearing yesterday. It made me start wondering what had happened when I had left. I approached her curiously. Gently shook to get her up. Slowly she started to stir and wake up.

“What are you doing here Adam?” She asked me. I pulled a fake hurt face before answering.

“Not even a simple ‘Morning’…. Wow Leah that hurt me…” I said dramatically pointing to my heart “…in here”

She simply laughed whilst sitting up. Still looking at me to give a reason to why I had woken her up.

“Carys wants to meet you” I said bluntly. There was no need to beat around the bush with this. She thought for a moment before saying “Ok”

‘Ok’ Was that it. All this worrying I had done on what Leah was going to say. How her and Carys were going to get on. If they were going to get on. I had spent half of the night up thinking about it and her answer is ‘Ok’?

 “Well I’m meeting her at 1 and am probably going to leave in about an hour so…”

“An hour?” She said sharply. “Yes an hour… you best start getting ready then” I laughed exiting the door leaving her to panic.

Carys’ POV

I was really excited to see Adam.  I had felt really lonely without him being here. It really annoyed me that I hadn’t meet the rest of the band yet, I wasn’t even sure if they knew about me. Though I didn’t want to ask Adam because there might have been a valid reason for it and I didn’t want to cause an argument. I got my tea and sat down on a table with 3 chairs on it. I looked around the room. The walls were beige with old photographs on them. There was a row of clocks with different times just above the cashier’s desk.

Most of the people in here were quite old. There was rarely any young people in here that why I liked coming here, because there was no chance of us of us bumping into ‘geese’. 

I sat there for a good 5 minutes when I heard the bell go. Signalling that someone had just come in. I looked up to see Adam holding the door for another girl. I felt the jealousy wash over me. It must have been Leah… It’s not that I don’t trust Adam, I just don’t like the things he says about her. It’s always “Leah this…” and “How can she not see how beautiful she is” but it’s probably just me being a jealous girlfriend.

They walked over to order some drinks. When they went to the cashier ‘the girl’ went to pay but Adam blocked her hand and paid and she kissed his cheek. I could feel myself getting more jealous by the second. They turned around and Adam spotted me. I waved him over.  As they came nearer I stood up and gave Adam a huge hug and a kiss which lasted longer than normal. I wanted to make sure she knew that we were together.

Once we separated I looked at ‘the girl’.

She was wearing a massive white knitted jumper and light skinny jeans with red boot wedges. She had brown wavy hair which was down to one side accompanied with a fedora hat. It was sad to say that she was really pretty she had big blue eyes and a pair of dimples.

“Hi I’m Leah. You must be Carys” She said.

 “Yeah, Hi it’s nice to finally meet you” I replied smiling.

 She opened her arms out and said “Free hug” Maybe she wasn’t as bad as I thought. I gave her hug and we sat down 

“You’re lucky I usually make people pay for my hugs. Which reminds me Adam you owe me a pound”

Adam looked up confused, signed and reached into his pocket pulling out a pound and giving it to her. I laughed. I think we could be really good friends.

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