Chapter 7

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Leah’s POV

I can’t believe I’m moving to London today. The fact that I’m going to be living with Andy made it even better. The about of packing I had managed to do in the space of 3 hours last night was insane. Almost everything was packed except from a few things on top of wardrobe which I couldn’t reach. “Andy” I shouted hoping he would come and get them from me.

“Leah” I heard a voice from behind me, it wasn’t Andy’s voice. I turned around see Ryan stood at the doorway with his hands in his pockets looking extremely comfortable. I hadn’t seen him since our incident last night and to be honest wasn’t very happy to.

“What do you want” I said sharply to him causing him to jump a little. “I heard he call Andy so I came to tell you that him and Adam have gone out to get the moving van” he said whilst looking at the floor. Guilt started to take over me. I didn’t mean to be so harsh to him. I took a step forward towards him and he took one back. I was confused. “I didn’t mean to be so harsh to you Ryan, I’m sorry.” This was a rare occasion for me because I never apologise to anyone, but to be fair he hadn’t done anything wrong to me. “It’s alright Leah I didn’t mean to kiss you. Well I did but I’m sorry.” 

Ryan’s POV

I was regretting the fact that I came up to Leah’s room.  Maybe I should have just avoided her for the rest my life. “Well now you’re here I need some help getting the stuff from the top of my wardrobe, could you get it for me?” She said to me breaking the silence. Finally I looked up from the floor and my eyes quickly focused of her blue ones. They were beautiful. “Yeah sure I will” I replied.

Her eyes roamed away from my mine and wondered around the room to the wardrobe. I walked over and got the box from up there which I’m guessing contain a few personal items. “What’s in the box?” I questioned her. She sat down and patted the spot next to her, which I have noticed was something her and Andy both seem to do. Slowly she opened the box to revile the content. 

It was a few pictures, an envelope and a teddy. I took the envelope in my hands. “It’s from my grandpa, he wrote me that letter when I was 16 telling me how perfect I was, it was right when I started to hate myself.” I thought it was too much of a personal subject to dwell on so I place back the envelope into the box and picked up the pictures.

There was one image that caught my eye. It was a picture of Leah and Andy at a wedding. She looked absolutely stunning, my mind started to wonder off to think about what she would look like on her wedding day, our wedding day. No! Stop Ryan you can’t think of her in that way. Swapping the images around I discovered a picture of a baby in a bath tub. I turned it round to see written on the back “Leah at 8 months old in the tub” I let out a little laugh.

I think she might have gone off into a day dream and had snapped back into reality when she heard me laugh because she lunged towards me to grab the picture. Failing might I add. I had managed to throw the image to one side and she landed straight on top of me. 

“Now I’m in control of you” she said to me in an overly manly voice. I didn’t really know what was happening but I went along with it. Flipped her over so I was on top of her, “what did you say about being in control?” I winked at her making her giggle. I took this opportunity to have some fun with her, I remember Andy telling me about how ticklish she used to be when she was younger so I guess I had to find out if she still was. After about 5 minutes of her squirming in my grip the doorbell went. 

I moved off of her. She was looking at me as if she was waiting for something. “You going to get the door?” she asked me. I was shocked but couldn’t be bothered to reply. I raced down the stairs to see Andy and Adam stood on the door step. “What are you doing?” I asked Andy. He stared back at me for a second before replying with the stupidest answer ever “Sorry mate I forgot I lived here.” 5 minutes later when me and Adam had finally managed to regain our composure back. Andy instructed us to get the boxes from Leah’s room and bring them into the van. 

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