Chapter 22- Waking up the Sleepy Boys

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I heard someone groaned, I look up to see Suga, he look down to me, "what...are you...doing here?". He rubbed his chinese like eyes to stare at me, he sat up. I sat up too, "Jimin tried to kiss me so I ran away". He laughed weakly and ruffled my hair, "good girl, your actions are good, you should run away".

He then closed his eyes while his mouth was slightly agape, he was sleepy. "oppa, go ahead and sleep, I'm just gonna stay here until the others got up", I murmured. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down with him, "then stay here", he yawned before slowly let sleep took over him for the second time. I froze as he hugged me tightly. I just laid there for 5 minutes, not moving at all, snoring could be heard in the room.

"Urchin noodle...nyam nyam..nyam.....nyamm", I heard he mumbled in his sleep, it made me giggle though. Then the door opened, it was Jin and Rapmon, Jin saw me and smiled, he got closer and unwrapped Suga's arms around me, so I sat up and smiled to him.

"did you wake up early, (y/n)-ah?", he asked. I smiled and nodded, "Jinnie, when did Jimin moved to our bed?". He held out a hand for me to take so I grabbed it, "in the middle of the night, while you were asleep, Jungkookie got up after you were asleep listening to his song", he said and pulled me up.

Rapmon walked over to us, "here, your friend gave us this bag and she said that these are your school uniform and other girls' things", he gave me a bag. I took and thanked him, I unzipped it, "oh? I already brushed my teeth". "you did? Which toothbrush did you use?", Rapmon asked. I look up at him, "red". His jaw dropped a little, "oh... That's Jin, Jungkook and J-hope's share toothbrush".

This time my lips made an O-shape. Jin was blushing, so he used it earlier..? "anyway, go take your bath and change into your uniform, I'll make breakfast, Rapmon and I'll make breakfast", he patted my head, "oh, and if you don't mind, could you wake them up?". I nodded my head with a smile.

They left the room, the person near me of course was Suga so I have to wake him up, I went to the side of the bed, I was going to poke his cheek but his eyes went open, he smiled to me. "don't have to wake me up, I'm awake when Jin-hyung and Rapmon got to the door", he got up and left by the door.

I got up and went to the next bed, Jungkook, I shook him slightly, "maknae-ah, it's time to go to college". He fluttered his eyes open and nodded, he yawned and sat up. Then I went to the other bed, Taehyung, "Tae-ah, wake up". He squinted his eyes to look at me, "(y/n)-noona, what time is it?". "half past ten", I joked, "joking, it's half past 6". He groaned and sat up. Then I look up at the double storey bed, above Taehyung, it was J-hope, I poke his side but he didn't budge, then I gently slapped his cheek, "Hope-ah, wake up".

He fluttered his eyes open and groggily sat up, "why, I don't want to wake up", he groaned. I glared at him, "don't be stupid, wake up before I kick you out of bed". He sighed heavily and slowly sat up and went down the stairs(double bed storey's stairs).

I waited for them to go out of bed.

J-hope stared at me, "why aren't you leaving?". I look at him with a blank expression, "what do you think I'm waiting here for? Get up and go out". Seola always do this, I'll always wait for her to go out before I follow in suit, she's a heavy sleeper, when it wasn't school time she would wake up at 3 in the evening. That's why I have to keep pestering her until she would wake up.

He sighed and went past me, out from the door. Then I stared at the blondie, "Tae-ah". He look up, "can't you let me sleep?....please?". I shrugged, "Jin told me to wake you guys, so eventually I have to wait for you to wake up". He pouted, "com'ere (y/n)-noona". I tilted my head, "why?".

"I want a hug", he stretched out his arms. I sighed and went closer to him, I let him wrap his arms around me, he rocked me back and forth. "now, don't go to sleep because of this, cause if you do I'll ignore you for the rest of my life", I said. He nodded his head, "don't worry, I won't", he then got up while having his arms still around me.

He dragged me outside the room and was still hugging me, eyes were on the both of us, I could feel it.

I quietly let myself being dragged by him, pink dust were there on my cheeks before I felt myself being place on the couch, I look up and saw a smiling Tae.

"(y/n)-noona, stay here", he smiled but I got up and shook my head, "no thank you Tae-ah, I need to take my bath". "well, you have to wait, after we brush our teeth", he grinned and patted my head.

I pouted, "okay, fine". I look to my side and saw Suga, "goodmorning (y/n)-sshii". I laughed lightly and returned the gesture, "ohayou Suga-ah". "how was your night here?", he asked with a smile. I thought for a while, "abnormal, really, while sleeping someone hugged me".

He cocked an eyebrow, "is it hyung?". I shook my head as a no, "Jimin". He sighed, "that kid, whatever~". Then I felt another presence next to me, I look to my side and saw a smiling Jungkook, "good morning noona", he kissed my cheeks.

I blushed and puffed out my cheek, "u-umm.. Maknae-ah, last night, you sang me a song, right? What song is it?". He grinned, "lost star, why'd you ask, noona?". I made an o-shape mouth, "well, the song is quite familiar, I watched 'Begin again' before and this guy sang this song to the girl he likes, that girl actually was the one who composed that song", I look at his expression and he was grinning.

"I watched that story too! After I watched it, I wonder, why not cover this song? I really like the song!", he held both my hand and tilted his head.

I shook my head, "woah, who would've thought", and laughed a little. I got up, disobeying Taehyung but sat back down, obeying him, I sighed to myself. "what's wrong noona?", Jungkook looked at me with a confused look. I fiddle with my finger, "well, I wanted to take my bath but I remembered.....Tae and Hope is using it right now".

He held my hand tightly, I don't even know why, but I just let him, BUT my face was a little bit pink. Jimin then have a seat beside me, he looked at me, "jagi, why did you ran away?". The three of us cocked an eyebrow.

"since when you two were together?"-Suga

"aniya! Hyung is not together with her, noona is still single! And she'll...."-Jungkook

"you're being a pervert, that's why", I pouted while looking down at my hand which was still being held by Jungkook. "noona, what did he tried to do?", he asked. I shook my head, "you don't wanna know, Kookie-ah--!", my words were cut off my a proud looking hyung, "he tried to kiss her on the lips but she ran away".

Jungkook's hands tightened around mine, "oh..?". I look at him with the corner of my eyes, 'why's he so angry about?'. Jimin swatted Jungkook's hand away from mine and look directly at me while I just looked anywhere besides people's eyes. "(y/n)-ah, you haven't told me who you like in this group", he asked.

Then a door could be heard being open and it was the bathroom so I quickly got up and dragged my bag and pushed myself into the bathroom and locked it.

I lean onto the door.

"is that question too sensitive to her?"-Jimin

"I want to know too"-Jungkook

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