Chapter 25- Guilt?

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[Miru's note:~ I'm gonna make it up okay? I just want the disease to match up with my story]

And my wish actually come true, mom was there, wearing a beautiful white dress, the dress that she wore during her burial ceremony.

I reached my hand out to her, "eo-eomma.. Bogoshippeo". She extended her hand to me. I don't know how but I don't really care how, my body dragged itself to my mom and when I reached her, Of course I would hug her, I cried onto her shoulder saying things like how much I miss her and how daddy miss her too, everything change after she passed away due to an illnes, I was certainly afraid that her illness might be passed to me.


A sickness that cannot be heal, is what everyone told me.

Mom died because she passed out too long for about 4 weeks. She couldn't get up from her sleep, daddy and I cried for days because she won't get up and when we got the news that she just let out her last breath, the two of us rushed to the hospital, I was from school and daddy was from his office, he worked as a police officer.

She smiled her warm smile to me and asked a question I never thought she would at a time like this. She asked, "when will you be in a relationship? I want to see your dad happy because her daughter already grew up into a beautiful daughter", my jaw dropped to her question, "I saw you with those seven boys but I know that one of them will end up marrying you".

"eomma! Why...why would I be in that kind of relationship? And why is that question the first question you ask the time you part your lips?", I frowned. She laughed, "nothing really, I just want to see my beautiful daughter happy with the guy she loves... But becareful though, you have to take care of yourself..because................wake up, you better wake up and not make other person worried of you, I worried you two already so I'm not letting you to make people worry of you".

"what are you talking about, mom?", I asked while furrowing my brows. She sighed and smiled, she then covered my eyes with her palm and everything went silent before I heard noises.

I certainly heard Seola's voice, daddy too.

Are they in my dream too, right now? Where are they if they actually are here.

I finally open my eyes after being closed by mom, and was greeted by bright light. I squinted my eyes to adjust my eyes to the sunlight. The first two face I saw were ....Daddy and Seola.

"appa?", I blinked my eyes before I was engulfed in a hug from my father. He was trembling, I wonder why though. I only fainted, yeah, fainted. Oh. I fainted? Wait, I FAINTED??!

"please, d-don't scare me again", he stuttered. My eyes widened, "appa....", tears were threatening to fall from my eyes but I smiled, "appa, you don't have to worry... I'm s-safe, see?", I pulled away and he looked at me with a sad expression. "I don't want to lose you just like we lose your mother", he muttered.

He wiped the tears of my eyes, and kissed my forehead lovingly, "please... Don't ever scare me like that". I look at my daddy and made a concerned look but nodded eventually. "Mr. (surname), you can go back to your work, we'll take care of her from now", Seola's voice could be heard. I look to the side and saw a teary Seola and..... Jungkook, Jin, Suga, Taehyung, Jimin, Rapmon and J-hope, what are they doing here?

Daddy nod his head and plant a last kiss on my temple, he hugged me and smiled, "take care of yourself. Seola-sshii, take care of my daughter, while I'm away, call if she needs anything or it happens again", he said strictly then his eyes landed to the other seven, who had relief faces but then the colour of their faces drained white.

He smiled one last time to me before he left by the door and right after he left the door, the eight of them quickly circled around the bed I was lying. Oh? I was lying on a bed. Where am I exactly?

I look at the surrounding and my mouth made an O-shape, "I'm in the school's infirmary..". They all look very sad and that made me reaaaaaaaallly worried. I furrow my brows and sat up, "Seola-ah? Why are you looking at me like that? And...why are they here?". Jungkook grabbed a hold of my hand and look down, "I called them because I was worried and they were worried too, please....forget what I said this morning".

Forget? Forget what?

I shrugged my shoulder and got up from bed but J-hope forced me down. I glare at him, "what are you doing, Hope-ah?". He let me go and had a guilty look in his eyes.

I found it weird that they all were giving me worried looks and guilty looks. But then their eyes showed that they were thinking hard before each of them give smiles to me. Taehyung hugged me tightly while saying, "gyuuuuuu~ I'm so happy you're alright, (y/n)-noona".

"I'm always alright, baka, I only fainted and the reason? I don't even remember how", I smiled and patted his back.

Jin held up a finger, "(y/n)-ah, what's your favourite food?". "(fav/food), why?", I look up at him while still patting Tae's back. "I'll cook for you, Rapmonie come with me", he dragged Rapmon by his collar. I laughed and shook my head in disbelief.

"so...(y/n)-ah, this is how you actually being surrounded by them, huh? I'm so envious", she smirked and pinched my cheeks, "and I'm also being jealous too, Taehyung-sshii hugged you, I want a hug too, you know", she pouted to me.

Taehyung hesitantly let me go and spread his arms for her to hug him but, she did what I did not expect, she hugged me instead of Taehyung which leaves him slightly shock and... Embarrassed.

Oh, so she actually meant that she want to hug me, I thought she wanted a hug from Taehyung, that was definitely unexpected, I bet Taehyung had this thought too, he looks a tad embarrassed.

I pat her back, "why hugging me all of a sudden, Seola-ah? I didn't do anything wrong do I?", I was a little bit worried at the change of her action. She shook her head and hugged me even more tightly, "I wonder...why... They visit here, just to see how you're doing, but I'm happy that somebody else except for me are worried of you". I giggled, "they're just visiting me because they want to be my friend". She then pulled away and sat beside me.

"what time is it actually?", I asked. "it's already in the afternoon", she replied. I gasped, "I passed out that long? Geez, that's unexpected". Jimin walked forward to me and checked my temperature on my forehead, "does this thing always happen before?". I shook my head, "not actually, but I fainted before, right after mom died in the hospital, but that only lasted 3 hours, this is rather my second time".

Suga ruffled my upper hair gently, "you fainting only happen often, right? So... It only happens when you receive shock?", he tilted his head. I shrugged both my shoulders not really knowing the answer to his question.

He sighed and look down and made a guilt expression.

What's going on, actually?

"umm... Seola-ah, since I've been here for about 5 hours or more OR less, did I left any homework?", I asked suddenly breaking out the silence. She looked at me with a what-the-f*ck-are-you-mumbling-about face and it's-not-the-right-time-to-ask-that-question face, "why are you worrying about that thing? Aissh, this kid, the teachers are well-informed about this matter so don't worry".

"how about you, did you learn anything while I was here?", I asked further. She made a goofy grin and shook her head which earn a slap on her arm from yours truly~, "you should just leave me here. Seola-ah, your studies are more important than me", but that just made her groan, she poked my side. "yah! You are moooore important than my studies". "yeah, right. You just want to escape classes", I rolled my eyes at her.

She grinned showing her teeth and nodded, "you got me, but I still am worried of your health, besides while you know...on the bed, still passed out, your face seems to look troubled, is there anything hunting you in your dreams?".

I shook my head with the brightest smile, I then turn to look at Jungkook and smiled to him, "Kookie-ah, you remember that I told you that I wish to see my mom and guess what?".

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