Twisty update

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Hi fast update as I don't wanted to forget my idea. Please forgive me mistakes as I'm not used to write on so many couples!


Recap; SuKor met. Swa_Lak secret meeting. SuRag bond. Laksh hate toward Ragini. ViKor hate toward Swara. SanLak anger toward Suraj! To many characters forgive me if I forget something! 🙉.

The Maheshwari's were very happy the daughter of their house is back. Chakor; Maa Papa how much u missed me. AP; is a question to ask?! That much she spread her arms width. Chakor; awww she hugs her. AP; Arrey. Badmaash {naughty}. DP; what does our princess want?! Chakor; party but with everyone!.

Laksh n Vivaan were listening carefully. Laksh cough cleaning his throat. With everyone means. Chakor; well it means everyone I like to call for my party I have the free choice I don't need to ask for ur permission.

Sans; u r back for how many days now?! Laksh; 2 weeks?! Vivaan; but Bhaiyas y r u questioning her?! U all know how fast she is in making friendship. SanLak; true!

Chakor smiles at Vivaan both r in the same team n this family rivalries. DP; okay beta whatever u wish for is accepted we won't say anything. Chakor; yes! Thank u Papa! 😘.

Sans shook his head. U r spoiling her! AP; we! Na u too! ViLak laughs hehe. Sans gave them a death glare. They kept quiet...

On the next day at college Chakor went directly to her new bf hmm guess who... Tina not Ragini. Ragini is to shy. N she Chakor doesn't like Swara... but can't say it as Tina is Swaras sis.

Tina; what a party wow I can be with Vivaan! Chakor 😎😎😎. See I'm ur best friend. Tina; that's true. Vivaan; Arrey wah then let me take a pic of u two beauties.

Then from nowhere Ragini appears

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Then from nowhere Ragini appears. Tina?!. Tina looked at her. Ragini Di u here?! Ragini; haan me here! Y u don't want me theek hai {it's okay}. Then I will leave!. Tina; no I mean I don't know. Ragini laughs that was the moment when Laksh saw them too.

Laksh unknowing smiles at her

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Laksh unknowing smiles at her. He has never seen her smiling or laughing always shy hiding herself in a corner absolutely aloof. As no know. Chakor; oh wow What a smile n laugh. Please do come to my party! Ragini; ur party?! Hmm Tina did u talked to Bhai?! Tina come closer. U talk na to him. We all know u r his fav! Please!!! Tina made puppy face not only she but also Vivaan n Chakor. This was all witnessed by Swara too who was standing at the other corner.

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