After marriage life

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Recap; weddings!

So I changed my mind 😁. A leap of a few years

Suraj was lying on the bed next to him was Chakor who wasn't talking to him.

Chakor was murmuring something under her breath... how the hell does he compare me... n that too with miss jealousy!

Suraj was looking at her continuously

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Suraj was looking at her continuously. Chakor please I just wanted to say that if u would be a bit like Swara who is ambitious out what she wants then u can pass the exams. Come on!

Laksh was looking out of the window... Ragini was upset.

Ragini; Laksh I didn't mean to hurt u! It's just dancing is not a job. Papa is giving u a job in the company take it. It will be a fixed job n u can still dance as a hobby?!.

Laksh; Ragini please I don't like to work in the company of Papa... I wish u would understand.

Ragini took his hand. Laksh I do understand. Bhai n u r same. Even he doesn't want to work for Papa but he has to do it now. Look I'm not saying do it permanently just for the time till it all is settled n u can earn money with ur dancing to feed me... n... someone else someday..?!!

Laksh smiles. We r trying na... but Ragini I'm still the opinion u should complete ur studies.

Ragini looked at him. Tina my younger sis is pregnant!

Vivaan; how could this happen?!

Tina; hmm should I remind u by the act or by my words...

Vivaan widen his eyes. Shut up yaar! Uff pregnant 🤰 oh man this time with our flesh n blood not a chicken!

Tina laughs loud. Haan this time for real... 😊.

Vivaan; I love u but that is wow a news I can't handle right now. U know we r in our last year...

Tina; but baby won't come that fast U know! It will take time... btw what abt Swara n Sans?!

Vivaan; what is with them?!

Tina; did Sans talked to u abt their relationship is it still like before?! Or a process?!

Vivaan; I haven't asked him... I'm too scared!

Tina shook her head...

Sans; Swara for tomorrow I need my file!

Swara; blue or red?!

Sans; red one!

Swara; okay...

Sans; how is ur study going on u need help with the practice?!

Swara; practice?!

Sans; Arrey Swara I meant to say if u need help with ur studies u know u can ask me.

Swara; Oh Haan no I don't need I will study with the other's. Uhm they said a GROUP study Vivaan will be there too otherwise I don't know how to handle Tina! Currently she is just unbearable.

Sans; she is pregnant...

Swara; Haan I knew it would happen yaar protection is a way to prevent this. I know they r married but both haven't archived anything in life yet!

Sans nods. Haan... right...!

Chakor; see we r going to do a group study but u Na just don't... oh 😤.

Suraj kisses her forehead. Sorry my dear wife how abt to switch off the light? 😏.

Chakor; u want to practice... what I taught u?!

Suraj; hmm arrey wifey I want to sleep! Gud night!

Chakor widen her eyes seeing her husband turning away from her. What is this?!

She switch off the light n a muscular man come over her in sec... 🙈🙈🙈

Ragini; Laksh please come n take proper sleep! Tomorrow is a big day.

Laksh; I'm doing it for u! Otherwise I don't want to join that office it's such a boring job.

Ragini; I know! But after my study I want to concentrate on u only. Then u can choose any job u want to do! I won't stop u again. But for now u will do this! To have something to show if someone asked u!

Laksh; did someone asked u what I am doing?!

Ragini nods. Haan... but Laksh I'm not upset that u r dancing now I love it... but it's something the other's won't understand now. But I know the day will come n u will be a famous choreographer!

Laksh nods. He kisses her nose....

The light goes off here too 🙈🙈🙈

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The light goes off here too 🙈🙈🙈

Swara; Sans ur bag is packed n the files r on the desk... when will u return?!

Sans; in a week!

Swara nods. Okay!

SwaSan r in a friendship based relationship...

the rivalries r still on but they r created by the women themselves....


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