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Recap; gosh read the previous part...

TiVaan we r pregnant!

Suraj was glaring at them. Vivaan went to Tina both stood next to each other n then Tina hold something in her hand... an egg 🥚. An Egg... 😱🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Suraj; what is this?!.

Tina; our child. Well not yet but soon!

Sans; have u all gone mad?!. U just said u r pregnant!

Vivaan; haan we r just look! The egg we have to keep it warm n with love.

He was back hugging Tina.

Tina; Bhai did u thought we were really pregnant like having sex?! Pregnant?? He is so scared of u n Sans he never ever will think of it!

Vivaan nods.

Laksh; uff... hmm we r not that sure?!

SurSan; of what?!.

Ragini; Bhai... woh... we r scared. Please don't make this stupid deal. What if u lose.

Sans; didn't u hear. The deal says Laksh is back win or lose doesn't matter. Onwards whoever will win will give the same deal. The wedding of each couple.

Laksh; but Bhai if papa won't agree!

Sans; then runaway!

Suraj; What runaway! I'm alive as long as I'm here the weddings will happen with all the rituals. My only problem is Swara...

Sans; u don't worry. U let her be my problem!

Suraj nods.

Chakor; Suraj... can we talk?!.

Suraj nods n went to her. Both were standing behind a tree. Chakor what happen?!.

Chakor; even I'm scared! What if..?!

Suraj; not if's I said na as long as I'm here nothing is going to happen wrong. Ur brother Laksh is living in my house. Papa is happy that I'm taking part on this challenge. I have a deal with him too no one knows. But when I will win all the problems will be sort out.

Chakor; n if u lose?!.

Suraj; nothing I have to work for him.

Chakor; but u wanted to be... independent na..

Suraj; haan but... leave it. He kisses her forehead.

Ragini n Laksh went back.

Ragini; Laksh u know what there is something wrong.

Laksh; Haan it seems like Suraj is hiding more. He isn't saying the whole true but maybe he will talk to Chakor. I will ask her in college. Ragini nods. She gave him a gud night kiss on his cheek... n leaves into her bedroom.

Tina; uff they really thought we r pregnant. Ur idea was great to prank them like this. Wah Vivaan I never thought u could be that bad. Seems like I'm effecting U.

Vivaan; haan since our first date. U r effecting me!.  U know I never lied before but after meeting U I'm now an expert in lying.

Tina laughs. I wonder what Sans will do with Swara?!.

Vivaan; u don't worry he will handle her. We have to handle our baby...

Tina: so true! Humara chicken baby.

Sans was thinking of the next step. How to stop Swara she needs to change but there is something wrong with her. She always wants to gain everything. She is a fighter a competitor...

Suraj was in his room. The project was ready the submission is tomorrow. He read his papers again. He satisfied with his work.

Laksh knocked on his door.

Suraj opens it. What happen Laksh.

Laksh; I know u r hiding something maybe Chakor won't tell me. Maybe u didn't told her either. But I want to know what it wrong with U?!.

Suraj took a deep breath. I told Chakor everything n she is the one who needs to know all. No one else!

Laksh was looking at him determined. No Suraj! I want to help U. I know u r hiding something when I can read Ragini blindly then I have learnt to read u too. Now tell me! What is it.

Suraj pulls him into his room. He closed the door. Papa said win n marry her. Or lose n forget everything.

Even if I or Sans put the condition of the marriage Papa wants me to win. If I lose there won't be marriages taking place. But I... it doesn't matter I will win or lose. Weddings will take place. I have planned everything. For this project I needed money so dad gave me. I have saved the money. I will make the weddings happen.

Laksh; Suraj if u have needed the money for ur project then u should have use it.

Suraj our his hand on Laksh shoulder. Laksh all is fine. Y would I need the money it is just a paper project. I fooled him n he got trapped. He wanted to freeze my account but with the paper project my accounts r open. I have taken all the money I have saved once... 😁. Then I have mom who will give me more if needed.

Laksh was thinking. Even I will work n help. If needed I will beg in front of Papa for Raginis hand.

Laksh; okay Suraj. But I'm on it now. I will do part time job after college. So I can pay a small amount for the wedding.

Suraj; uff! Y I told u na... I will handle.

Laksh; no I will help. That's final. Keep ur Uff!
He leaves.

Chakor; Uff Sans Bhai. That is wrong!

Sans; that is the only way to make her understand.

Chakor; to fake love?!.

Sans; haan maybe it is not the right way but a way?!.

Vivaan; Uff No! Suraj will kill u... or better say she will Kill U.

Sans; Uff this family. Did u all had to fall for each other. The logical idea I had was to make all marry... then Swara would be with me n I would keep an eye on her.

Ragini; Uff Laksh! Wake up...!

Laksh; Uff Ragini leave na...! I don't want to go to college I have fever.

Tina; hahah nice trick this won't work.

Laksh; Uff yeh bhi. {she too}.

Swara Uff!!! Y can't he leave! Y can't they all leaven?!. I just don't want to see them again.

Suraj; Sans have u gone mad. This is ur idea to handle Swara?!. To make a marriage of all four?!

Sans nods....

All; Ufff!!!


Thanks for reading

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