Chapter four {confusion/team building}

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Surprised an update... even I was

Recap; Chakor gave a party having a secret crush on Suraj. Laksh is happy as Swara is also present but he got a shock seeing a drunken Ragini. Swara spit her drink. He fall on her n kissed her.

The door goes open...

Chakor; Bhai!!! Laksh immediately stood up with a shocking face. Ch... cha.. Chakor...?!.

Chakor come in with anger that Laksh wished Ragini would be awake n could save him but how she is a behenji... well maybe not?!. Suraj enters the room too.

He saw her lying on the bed... with him. Laksh; no no no!!! Swara too come in. Chi disgusting! Laksh; No Swara... she..!

Ragini opens her eyes she sat up on the bed. Another kissi?!. She said... Laksh lowered his head. No no no I can explain...

Ragini; he is gud making excuses. She hugs him n rested her head on his shoulder.

Something something he was feeling inside him... he smiles. He carefully hold her n made her lie down on the bed. Ragini please don't do much u r drunken!

Suraj; u!! He holds Laksh collar. How dare u to take advantage from my sister!! Chakor; Suraj stop!!! Suraj; shut up! Do u want... Laksh; Eh stop this I never took advantage from anyone! He looked at the ground n saw the tripping hazard. He looked at Ragini. U took off ur shoes.

Ragini; I never sleep with shoes. Woh dehko {look}... she shows her feet's. These shoes hurts... she made a pout face. Laksh was lost... Something something was cooking...😉

Suraj; Ragini! Laksh come become to sense hearing the loud shout!

Laksh; Haan Ragini she is drunken I waited for... he looked at Swara but then... for friend but that friend didn't show up so I was abt to leave when all of a sudden she appears in this state. I could have leave but I'm not mad! Even I have a sister so for own safety I put her on my bed. N by mistake showing on the shoes. I stumbled n fall over her.

Suraj; sorry! N thank U! Ragini.. he lifts her. Ragini; Bhai carry me like u used to do..! Haan. Suraj; Haan Mera Baacha {😜}. Like I used to do in ur childhood. He kisses her forehead.

Suraj; tell me y u drunk?! Ragini; I didn't. Swara gave me juice I drunk that?! All looked at Swara she shook her head just then another one come in.

Sans; I saw it all n Swara took the juice but maybe in fraction of seconds someone might have spit the drink of Ragini?! Swara; haan y would I do this to my own sister?!. Ragini; haan y?!. Laksh Laksh Laksh.

Laksh was confused - y is she calling me? -. Laksh comes closer n Ragini made him turn his face so she can whisper in his ear... first kiss sshh 🤫. Laksh was numb 😳 - how she knows it was my first kiss? -. Ragini; mine don't say! Laksh releases a breath of relief.

Suraj; Ragini leave him. Ragini nods n hides her face on Suraj chest. Laksh was again lost in her cute behaviour.

Suraj looked at Swara. Get her shoes we r leaving! Swara nods she took the heels from Laksh hands n ignored him completely.

Swara - y did Sans covered me?! What is he up to?! -.

Sans smirks - wah Swara u r the only one in that family who cruel enough to harm their own family members to get the pole position! Not Bad u will be of gud use of mine! -.

They left the party Tina pouts but before leaving she gave Vivaan a secret kiss on his cheek.

The whole party got over Laksh was very angry. Shit shit shit! Now this stupid Swara won't play along with me! I wanted to break her she n her stupid games does she really thought I would fall for a slut like her?! I know Swara u must have done something on Raginis drink! But y Bhai saved U?! Damn it! The reason y I let Ragini win is easy coz I love her. I know she is the weak point of Suraj but she is also my weak point playing with her means playing with me n I'm like the fire if I got lighten up I just increase it's impossible to extinguish the fire in me!. I hurt to keep her away from me bcz this love has no future in this stupid rivalry.

Laksh looked out of the window it was right opposite of Raginis. Laksh was admiring her from far like she does but do it secretly.

Suraj was hell angry. Swara if I ever find out u did this to ur own sister then... I don't know what will happen. But I will give u the worst punishment ever!

The triples come home to the first time. Teju was exhausted from the delivery n KN was unable to handle the kids. Then Swara cries KN took her then Ragini cries Teju took her in her embrace but then Tina cries while Ragini calms...

Tina was with Teju but Ragini was alone she was calmed yet alone her loneliness was filled with Suraj presence as he felt comfortable with her. He hold her like his parents hold the other two babies holding her neck with care. My baby {Mera Baacha}.

FB ends

Suraj cares for her since her birth! He can't see her hurt! He knows she covers everyone even get scold for pranks she hasn't done neither she would ever think of it. But their parents r manipulative by the other two! Well most of Swara.

Suraj - this Laksh what the hell was he saying I was waiting for a friend?! -. He looked at Swara! Suraj made a fist.

Chakor was angry enters the room of Laksh n closed it behind her. Bhai how could u! Laksh looked at her. First of all knock!! N then Wait for my answer how dare to enter my room without my permission!

Chakor saw the view. OMG u r... u were... what is going on?!

Laksh stood up. Ssshh! I was nothing n I'm not?!

Chakor; I didn't spoke out what u r! But u understand that means that u are! In love with ur so called behenji. Laksh; Ey only I can call her like this! Chakor; oh ho my bro! Chuppe Rustom {hidden gem}. Laksh; ssshh!!! If Bhai got to know?! Chakor; haan Haan I know... 😩.
What is his problem?! Laksh; he knows?!.

A knock.

Laksh; see manners. Chakor hits him with her elbow into his stomach. In pain... Come in! Vivaan enters the room.

Vivaan; oh what is this a team meeting without me?!!!

ChaLak; ssshhh 🤫🤫🤫🤫
Vivaan shocked 🤭🤭🤭.

Laksh; close the door! Vivaan did as said.
Laksh - now he too?! -. Chakor was smirking n this gave Vivaan a wrong hint...

Vivaan; u told him right?! Abt me n Tina Di y?!
Laksh looked at him in confusion?! - Tina?! Yeh koun si nai kahani hai {Tina?! What new story is that now}? -.

Vivaan; fine here the breaking news she has a crush on Suraj!

Laksh smirks n pushed Chakor to Vivaan.

Vivaan; Bhai... what I missed? Chakor; missed u messed up?!. He too likes a Rajvanshi. Vivaan; we know Swara 🤢. Chakor; No Ragini...

Ragini.. hatshi 🤧.. she was sleeping n dreaming of her Laksh.. while he n his siblings were talking of her!

Tina was suspicious - Ragini would never drink n never leaves her glass standing somewhere n drink from it... No No! But what was this did Swara really did something into her drink?! But y?! What was her aim?!. I know she hates the Maheshwari's more than anyone of us! But Ragini is our sis y would she use her?! Wait does she wanted to use Laksh n Ragini?! But y?. Bhai! If Bhai loses his control he could even kill! Then he would do anything wrong n the heir of the Rajvanshi Empire would be Swara?! -.

Tina hold her head. That is too much of nonsense right I mean we r all siblings... okay people kill n destroy for even less! Shit?!.

Tina rushes out of her room n knocked on Suraj bedroom.

Suraj; come in! Tina enters the room n told him abt her suspicion. Suraj; haan I have the same feeling! U don't worry I won't lose my control just help me when the time comes! Tina nods. Suraj; at least Vivaan is the decent one of them but ur my wild sis how this happen?!

Tina bites on her tongue. Gud night Bhai... will tell u some other day! Suraj smiles.

Sans was in his bedroom. I will destroy the Rajvanshis even if it means to shake hands with the devil {Swara} itself...

Sorry for any confusion
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