Love is around

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Raglaklover 😊

Recap; date of each couple besides SwaSan

Now after so many days they could meet their love ones.

Yeah Swara n Sanskaar have tried a lot to distract the other's but today after almost 3 weeks of separations each couple could meet again.

Let me explain after their dates the couples couldn't meet as Swara was trying to break the relationship of RagLak by misguiding Ragini. Then Swara tried to spend more time with Tina they went to the shopping mall or cinema. She even tried to get close to Suraj again but he was hell angry on her bcz of the incident at the Maheshwari party. He very well knows that Swara did this all but he doesn't have the proof.

Then on the other side Sanskaar was ordering his siblings to stay away of the Rajsvanshis. As they r not friends but enemies. Sans first tried to talk to Vivaan as he too knows that he n Tina r in a long relationship. Use her n throw her away! Vivaan; have u gone mad!!! Leave!. He went to Laksh. Swara is better?! U wanted to play na... y this Behenji?!. Laksh didn't react but ignored him completely. Then Sans went to Chakor. I forbid u to meet that Suraj again. Chakor; oh hello I told u I'm not in this family rivalries! I will meet whomever I want!.

Both SwaSan couldn't do anything.

Swara; Sanskaar do u know Suraj Bhai is looking for something against me! Ragini doesn't trust my words n Tina... Tina literally thrown me out of her life. As I'm too clingy. I clingy uff all ur plans failed.

Sans; shut up. But I didn't had much luck than u. They didn't listen to me. Not even Chakor is listening to me. She always does but now she changed. N lucky... he is gone for Ragini. But Vivaan shows his anger on me... he even hits me for my comment.

Swara; what u said?!.

Sans; it's okay... - how can I Tell her... but she gave her own sister drugs...!-.

Ragini was waiting for Laksh at the beach she come with Tina.

Tina; u don't worry Ragini I'm sure he isn't playing with U. I'm sure he really loves u.

Laksh was coming with Vivaan. Vivaan; I can't believe this. Sans Bhai is just 😡. Laksh; disgusting?!. Vivaan; even more!.

Laksh; forget him n look at her. He points on Tina who was smiling at him. Vivaan was happy seeing her again alone... well almost alone. He took her hand n they vanished.

Ragini was crying looking at Laksh.

Ragini was crying looking at Laksh

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Laksh felt her pain. Ragini what happen?!. Y r u crying?!. He took out his handkerchief n gave it her.

 He took out his handkerchief n gave it her

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