Chapter Ten

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I've come round at least. The stings still there. I think I broke something when I fell from the tree. Gardoir had lifted me up and put me in the cave. I see him lean down and kiss me. On the lips. "They said only two tributes can live now. So there's only 4 people left in the games. We're gonna win this Alaya! Just wake up!" He encourages me by giving me a little shake and I giggle." I'm awake!" I giggle.

It's turning night time now and Gardoir has got a fire burning so we have light in here. I can finally sit up without practically dying. "That song you were singing earlier,what was it called?" He asked me.
"The hanging tree"I say." Mom taught it me when I was younger"
I was just a little kid when my mom taught me that song. She sung it in her beautiful voice. That songs stayed with me ever since I learned it. I get up and start walking to the mouth of the cave and look out. The girl tribute from The Seam in District 13 has died. There's only three of us left now. Me and Gardoir and... Clos. We have to kill him. I grab my bow and arrows and start running." Alaya! Where are you going?!" Gardoir shouts." To kill Clos." I reply coolly." I'm coming with you." Gardoir said

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