|Shot 69| • Hell • |Stenbrough|

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Shit shit I'm late to publish! ~Jae👑

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"I don't like this...Bill, I don't like this" Eddie said shakily as we walked up the Neibolt stairs.

"W-We have to f-find Betty, Eddie" Bill explained. "We n-need to see if sh-she's okay"

"Breathe, Eddie" Richie comforted Eddie and he took a deep breath as we neared the room where we saw Betty Ripsom.

We opened the door, but she was gone. The room was devoid of anyone or anything, save for cobwebs, dust, and moldy furniture.

"W-Where did she go?" I questioned nervously.

"I don't kn-know" Bill trembled.

I stepped out into the hall a minute but once I did, the door slammed shut behind me.

I went to open it, but the floor crumbled beneath me and I fell. I landed with a loud crash on a wooden table, right through it.


"Richie...Richie!" Eddie called.

I followed his voice to the next room. There were chairs everywhere and furniture covered in white cloth.

"Eddie!" I called after him, and followed his voice. "Eds, this isn't time for games! Eddie!"

I stepped into the room and tried to follow Eddie, but he wasn't there. I looked around, and suddenly I heard a loud bang. The door slammed closed but I couldn't open it.

"R-Richie!" Bill called. "Open the d-door!"

"I can't!"

I turned around once I heard a sweeping noise. What I thought was furniture underneath the white cloths, were actually...


Fucking clowns.

There was a coffin at the end of the row of clowns, and I cautiously walked towards it. Once I was close enough, I looked in to see a doll that looked just like me, except it had maggots in its cheeks.

"Ugh!" I groaned disgusted and went to close the lid.

As soon as I closed it, a creature popped up. It was a clown, dressed in a silver outfit. It sprang up onto the coffin and sneered at me.

"Beep beep, Richie" It laughed sadistically.

It came at me and It screamed as I backed away and tried for the door. It opened and Bill pulled me back before slamming the door closed.

"Richie!" Eddie exclaimed, and I gathered him on my arms as he threw himself into my embrace.

"Where were you?!" I queried him worriedly.

"I turned around and you guys were gone! I ran back into here but Bill said Stan fell and you went to look for me!"

I let out a breath of relief and smiled at him before pulling him into my arms again.

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