|Shot 71| • Distractions • |Stenbrough|

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Bill Denbrough couldn't help but space out when his boyfriend, Stan Uris, was trying to read to him.

It wasn't that he didn't care, quite the opposite in fact. Stan's soothing voice reading the words enthusiastically echoed in his ears and made him daydream instead of focusing on the book.

"Bill...Bill? WILLIAM DENBROUGH! Are you listening to me?"

"Huh-What? Y-Yeah, I'm l-listening, Stan"

"Oh really? Then what did I just read?"

Bill paused and thought for a minute as Stan tried his best to hide the page so that Bill couldn't cheat his way out of being caught not paying attention.

It's not that Bill didn't care for books, but it was different when Stan read to him. So Stan would often invite him over to study whenever they had a reading assignment.

Stan's soft, soothing voice would help Bill to memorize the plot and characters and help him to pass the tests and homework assignments that came along with the book.

This particular book was one Stan was passionate about, and excited to do the assignments for. The book was called (pretend it's an 80s/early 90s book) The Best of Me.

"C'mon Bill, what's the last part you remember?"

"Uhmm, the muh-mechanic guy-"

"You mean Dawson?"

"Yeah! Yeah, him, he, uhh...he and uhh"


"Yeah, Amuh-manda, he and her....r-reunited?"

"Bill, that was like 3 chapters ago!" Stan scolded.

"I'm suh-sorry, Stan! I spuh-spaced out!"

"Uuuugh" Stan groaned at his younger, taller boyfriend. "Do you ever pay attention, Bill?"

Bill shook his head and chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Stanny" he said sitting up and scooting next to the older, shorter boy. "I just got lost in your voice, it's so soothing and cute"

Stan blushed as Bill gazed adoringly into his caramel eyes.

"I wish you'd pay attention, Bill. I love this book! It's so romantic and the writing is so good...I wish you were passionate about it like I am"

Bill smirked and cupped his boyfriend's cheeks, bringing his handsome face to meet his gaze.

"I'm passionate about you, Stanny. I'm sorry I don't pay attention, it's just...I listen to your voice and I start daydreaming about you"

Now both boys' cheeks were glowing red as Bill held Stan close. Stan's heart fluttered, not just at his words, but because not one held a single stutter.

"Okay, you got me. You're such a goof, Bill" Stan giggled as Bill planted a loving kiss on his lips.

"You wouldn't have me any other way, Stanny" Bill laughed.

Stan rolled his eyes at his goof of a boyfriend, but Bill was right. They fell in love with each other despite their differences and flaws, even though in their eyes they saw each other as flawless, and loved each other deeply.

"No, I wouldn't" he mumbled smiling.

"N-Neither would I, Stan"

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