|Shot 72| • Stay • |Stenbrough|

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"Goodnight, Bill. I love you"

"I l-love you too, Stan. S-Sweet dreams"

I smiled to myself and hung up the phone. Right after I did so, I heard a few sharp raps on my door.

"Bill!" my father barked from outside the door. "Come eat, dinner is on the table!"

"C-Coming, dad" I whimpered.

I heard his footsteps slump away and I exhaled. I straightened my clothes and took a deep breath before quickly but quietly going downstairs.

After losing Georgie, my mother couldn't handle the pain so she left us. I guess my father blames me, because he has been nothing but bitter ever since.

I descended the stairs and my way to the kitchen where my father sat alone at the table. I made sure to sit up straight and tucked my elbows in.

"Th-This, looks d-delicious-" I said weakly, but was cut off by my father.

"Who were you on the phone with, Bill?"


"I said," he sneered at me, "who were you on the phone with?"

He tightened his grip on his bottle of jack and tauted his jaw.

"I-I was just talking to a friend-"


I flinched as shattered glass spewed everywhere. My father had forcefully thrown the bottle to the floor in a fit of rage. I slumped in my seat.

"Don't lie to me, boy! I heard you talking to that little faggot boyfriend of yours"

"Don't talk about him like that" I clenched my jaw and scowled at him.

"Do not test me, boy" he growled. "Or are you a faggot too?"

"So wuh-what if I am? You c-can't fucking change that, you're a f-fucking piece of sh-shit!"

My father banged his fists on the table before quickly getting up and grabbing a fistful of my shirt.

"YOU DON'T TALK BACK TO ME BOY!" he screamed, and his fist collided with my cheek.

I watched as his fist repeatedly struck my face.

When he couldn't take the sting in his wrist and knuckles anymore, he let me sink to the floor in a puddle of my own blood. Everything hurt, even though I've had it worse.

And with one final kick to the ribs for good measure, he slumped his depraved, nefarious self back into his man cave that oozed of vile, smoke, and liquor.

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