|Shot 70| • Public • |Jyatt|

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For my Queen and my princessescastlebowers stan_uris wyatturafuckinjew

Also, expect a new chapter for The Photographer tomorrow or the next day. I finally got my ideas together for it! ~Jae👑

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I finished buttoning up my navy blue collared shirt and adjusted my charcoal skinny jeans in the mirror. My lip curled into a small triumphant smirk at my attire.

Not bad, Wyatt I thought to myself.

But every damn time I think I look good, Jaeden steals the confidence on my lips away.

I drove to his place to pick him up for our date. Before I could knock on his door, he came rushing out and threw himself into my arms.

I caught him and hugged him as he hugged me tight.

"Whoa, Jae!" I chuckled as I stumbled back. "Happy to see me?"

"Yeah" he whispered, and let out a small laugh before releasing his grip on my neck.

"I'm happy to see you too, Ja-"

But before I could finish, my speech was robbed by the sight of Jaeden's handsome face and outfit. My God, he looks fucking stunning.

"What is it?" he questioned nervously as he watched me stand there and stare at him like an idiot.

I snapped out of my trance and smiled genuinely at him.

"Nothing, Jae, just...you look..."

Fuck I cursed at myself.

"God, you look so fucking stunning, Jaeden. So amazing" I said breathlessly as my eyes trailed up and down his perfect shorter frame.

"Not so bad yourself, Wy" he smirked with crimson cheeks.

I was choking back tears as we grinned at each other, his twinkling emerald eyes smiling at mine.

I couldn't help it.

I pulled him by his waist and attached our lips. He smiled into the kiss as he kissed back. The kiss grew passionate and I whined when we pulled away moments later.

"We haven't even gone on the date yet, Wyatt" he chuckled dryly as he brushed his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Mercy, Jae. If somebody told me two weeks ago you'd be in my arms with your hands gripping my shirt and your lips on mine, I'd have told them they were full of shit. And now look. My dreams came true. How did I get so lucky, Jaeden?"

"I don't know...how did I?" he cocked an eyebrow and smiled.

"Marry me" I said straight faced, and he giggled.

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