22. No man.

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"He just seemed like he was pulling you away from me and I know this sounds and is stupid, but I thought if I could start trying to like someone else it wouldn't hurt as much when he did take you away from me

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"He just seemed like he was pulling you away from me and I know this sounds and is stupid, but I thought if I could start trying to like someone else it wouldn't hurt as much when he did take you away from me.." Domo finishes telling me his reasoning behind The Valentine's fiasco.

"Was it stupid? Yeah. But I guess I can kind of see why you did it.." I reason and am left in thought. It makes sense, but it was stupid.

"So why'd you call me over?" He asked. I looked at him and tried searching for an answer. I couldn't tell him I still love him because of Ja- oh wait.

"Well, we did date for almost 4 years. I could at least hear you out I guess." I shrug and he nods.

"Should I go? I don't want Jack to come and see me again. I know that you're happy and I don't want to ruin th-"

"I'm not with him anymore." I inform him and his eyebrows raise.

"What?? Why not?" He asks scooting closer to comfort me.

"He told my boss that I quit, so I lost my job." I shrugged feeling sad about the situation again.

"What the hell? Why would he do that?" He asks and I shrug again.

"He didn't let me explain. He thought I was cheating on him. I'm not that sick of a person to stoop so low as to cheat on-" I look over at him, "sorry" I cringe and he lightly smiles.

"I deserved that" He says making me smile and lean on his shoulder.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before his words suddenly startled me.

"I miss you Jaide. I miss us..." He trails off and I sigh.

"I do too. But I just can't get hurt again." I say and he sighs.

"Yeah, I know. I would never do it again though. I love you too much baby." He says and I try to refrain from melting into his arms.

"I know you won't but it'll make me constantly question everything you do. I'd be putting both of us through a living hell." I say while zoning out thinking about how bad that situation would be.

He sighs again. "I wish I could go back and never even lie to you about having to work late. I should have spent Valentines with you. Who knows? We'd probably be planning for another baby by now.." He trails off and my eyes tear up as I smile.

"I think about him all the time." I smile up at him and he wipes my tears.

"Me too baby." He says and pulls me into his embrace.

"Dominic Anthony Junior." I say and more tears fall down my cheeks.

I hear Dominic sniffle and I look up at him and wipe his tears away.

"He would've been beautiful." He smiles down at me. "And he might've had a little sister that looks as beautiful as her mommy." He smiles and I blush while putting my bottom lip out at how cute he was being.

We stared into each others eyes and slowly began to lean in. Was this really about to happen? I didn't feel like stopping it.

His hands rubbed my thighs as I straddled him and leaned down to meet his lips. Right before they even touched the doorbell interrupted us.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Domo sighed and I laughed getting off of him.

I walked to the front door, wiping my face of any stray tears still there. I swung open the door and immediately wanted to slam it shut.

"Jaide" Jack breathed out and I glared at him.

"What" I said as rude as possible.

"Can I come in?" He asks and he looks genuinely concerned.

"No," I say not meeting his gaze.

"Why? Is there someone here?" He furrows his eyebrows and tries to look over my shoulder.

Instead of trying to hide it I don't move.

"Yeah, Dominic's here." I say and his jaw clenches as he looks down at me.

"Why is he here?"

"Why are you here?" I ask and he looks taken aback.

"I'm your boyfriend, what do you mea-"

"No you're not. In case you didn't hear correctly, I recall saying I hated you and walking out. We're done Jack." I said coldly chuckling at the end.

"What? No we're not. Come on Jaide." He tries to reason but I stand my ground.

"You need to leave Jack." I say and he sighs and nods.

"Whatever. I should've known you'd run back to him. It's like you can't go without a man in your life for more than a week." He says and I scoff.

"Excuse me?" I question and he shrugs.

"You heard me." He said before walking down the hall to the elevator.

I don't need a man.

And I'll prove that to everyone.

Puberty ~ Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now