Hard Times 🙂

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Okay guys I've been trying to write more for this book but I'm so fucking sidetracked right now...

Imma rant so skip the bold if you don't care 😂

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Imma rant so skip the bold if you don't care 😂

Okay basically my step mom cheated on my dad, kicked me out of the house for telling him, me and my dad have been staying in other peoples houses since the first week of June..

My step mom kept telling me it's all my fault and then my older brother came home from the navy and told her off and stuck up for me and so did my dad..

She then served my dad with a restraining order saying shit that wasn't true so I cut her out of my life..

Then we find out she took my 3 younger siblings and ran off to Vegas which is out of state and also against the court order.

Then on top of all of that, the guy I've been talking to for 5 months (he told me I meant soooo much to him and that he loved me and all kinds of bullshit) dropped those 5 months for a flirty 5 minute convo with a fake account run by me. He said that he was single, wanted to go see her (2 hours away) but he won't come see me (also 2 hours away)..

So Idk guys... I'm going through a lot and I can't even eat or think straight. I've lost 11 pounds and I'm so fucking tired of being lied to and mistreated..

I'm sorry for ranting to you guys but honestly, y'all support me more than some of my best friends... thank you for that 💓

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