The Ringmaster's Revenge: Phase Four

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Phase Four


When Aviraz had left his home in Midnight, where his fellow Shadowmynn dwelt, he’d been anxious, reckless and young.  Only two-hundred and twenty years old, if Time had held any sway in Sequents.  Yet in coming of age by deed as opposed to years, among a loving clan of everlasting shades, he’d taken his adulthood with nonchalance, packed his bags, and set off for adventure.  Instead he’d found love and a new life.

Moving towards Morning with the intent of relocating to the darkest side of Civil Twilight where the stars were still bright in the sapphire sky, Aviraz had rested in Bleue, a small village in the Nautical phase.  In exchange for a hot meal, the shade had lent a hand mending a rancher’s fence, and in doing so met the man’s daughter.  Though Mahina was a moonchild, with pale blue skin and hair of weeping silver where he was black as the umbra which formed him, Aviraz was captivated by her loveliness.  Thus, for the span of twenty harvests, he’d worked for the rancher, asking for little more than lunch with the girl in return.  And so won her over little by little until she was willing to overlook their differences and her family’s objection.  They were married, given a forth of the rancher’s land, and built a modest home.  Children came.  First a son then a daughter, followed by another of the same, delighting Aviraz far more than life as a transient would have.  And through those blessings his family had become his greatest pleasure.  This was why he was fighting so hard to keep it.

“Prince Lycoris may demand a substitution.”  The archduke, Covet, sat across the checkerboard table from Aviraz.  After an extensive critique of the dugout’s primitive décor, he turned back to the host wearing his typical malevolent grin.  Having a skull for a head gave him few options when it came to facial expressions, but the smoldering green glow in the back of his eye sockets seemed to express derisive amusement at such simple living.

Aviraz ignored this, as he had every insult cast by the nobleman.  There were bigger problems to be reconciled.  “Yes.  Anything.  Whatever I have to give, His Highness is welcome to.  But Mahina… my wife is mine.  Please.  Anything.  Everything else but my family.”

“I will inform him of your decision, as well as relay your offer.  Perhaps Lycoris will be lenient.  The prince is known for his mercy.”


The two men swiveled to study the doorway where a boy was taking shape.  A sturdy youth on the cusp of adulthood yet still suffering from the selfishness of childhood.  He appeared with his arms crossed, looking both stubborn and menacing.  Shadows made his scowl all the deeper.

“Badru,” Aviraz snapped.  “Go tend to your mother.”

“No.  Sorry, Fa, but I won’t.  There are a thousand other woman in the kingdom.  Why does he want her?  Married.  Children.  Tell the prince to go find a maiden.”

“Quiet.  Go outside, now.”  When the child made no move to leave, his father stood, stirring up a thunderhead, and Badru vanished before hearing a single paternal threat. 

The archduke gave a short laugh, causing a spasm among the gleaming red muscles along his exposed arms and throat. 

Aviraz knelt.  “Please forgive, my son.  He’s only…”

“Unruly?” offered Covet.  “Worry not, Shadowmynn.  Your young half-moon mutt is forgiven.”

“Thank you, milord.”  Aviraz walked with the archduke out the door and into the yard where they followed the walkway of gleaming stones to the gate.  Though the flowers to the right and left were bright white in the moonlight, Covet appeared not to see them and trampled several. 

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