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This guy, I'm waiting for him to say something. I don't trust myself with starting a conversation anymore.

Looking at him, it made it more obvious to me that I was right in saying that he was working. This, besides the sweat stains on his shirt. He had worn down jeans, mostly near his knees, and the hem looked as if it was breaking down a little. The hammer in his hand probably should have told me something first, but you know... potato child.

"Uhh..." he says.

He's going to say something and I can't really wait anymore. Literally, anything he says will be music to my ears. At least I hope so.

"I think I can help you," he stutters ever so slightly, "if you will let me."

"Oh, you handsome boy," the lady behind the front desk starts, "always helping out. You can't seem to stop can you."

Honestly, I almost forgot that she was even there.

"He never stops, I'm telling ya." the woman says. Talking about this guy seemed to make her happier than those papers she was looking at.

"Last week it was Lucinda, down the street. Then, it was Henry at the petrol station. After that-" she kept going on.

I had a feeling that she would never stop. And surprisingly, I was right for about four minutes.

"Well go on," the woman nods at the guy, "say what you wanna say."

"Oh," he clears his throat.

He looks like he's stalling. Then he takes a deep breath.

Oh my god... He's just like me. I don't know if I should be flattered or if I should roll my eyes.

Finally, after all this waiting, I see him open his mouth slightly.

"I was just trying to ask if you wanted to stay at my place," he gives me this small smile.

I didn't know him and I was kind of worried, but at the same time, he looked as if he was really just trying to be nice.

"It's only a ten-minute drive from here," he does that stutter thing again, "and I guaranty it's a beautiful sight."

It dawned on me that he may have been just as nervous as I was. And just as he's a stranger to me, I'm a stranger to him. His thoughts probably mirrored mine, even the dark ones, but it felt like we were making progress.

Okay Claire, now you say something. You know you came here in the first place to have an adventure. So... have one!

"Okay," I nod.

Congratulations, you did it. You're not completely awkward anymore.

"Cool," he grins so happily. "I'll be done in twenty minutes if you don't mind waiting."

"That's fine," I agree, "I'll make myself comfortable."

"Cool," he says again.

I'm sitting on this small wooden bench up against the dark coloured panelling of the walls. It was probably weird for me to take so much interest in the bench, but it just grabbed my attention. It was a slightly different shade of the dark coloured wood that was found almost everywhere in the entrance of this hotel. At first glance, no one would probably notice it, but taking a closer look showed all these incredible details. Particularly, the feet that hold it up. It must have been hand carved. Not one flower or vine, that rose up to the seat, had an identical counterpart. It was completely unique.

How to be Forever Alone [#Wattys2020]Where stories live. Discover now