How to be Happy.

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So... You might be asking yourself how to be the happiest person on earth. Well, I think I finally have an answer.

It's kind of simple, really. It's just one step.

You know, I'm trying to think of how it all fits into place. The infinite possibilities all connected to one another. The graph that defines everything I've done that has lead me to now. I can't tell if it scares me or intrigues me more.

It's all about the choices we all make. The ones that lead us to where we need to be at a precise moment in time. It's holistic.

Or maybe I've been watching a little too much Dirk Gently.

But when it comes down to it, he's completely right. I can't just be sitting beside the most beautiful girl in the world for no reason. The universe must have had some sort of plan for us.

Advice column? Do you believe in love at first sight? Or do you think I'm absolutely crazy?

I wish I had a clear way to tell you, yet here I am writing to you in this stupid journal.

I don't know if anybody would even want to read this, but if you're reading this, I assume you chose to pick it up for some insane reason.

Well, I want you to know that I'm probably an idiot and you shouldn't be taking advice from me. Who would even do that?

You're still here, aren't you? I guess I should please you for your efforts.

How to be Happy.

Step 1.

Fall in love and fall hard.

Grab their hand and don't let go, not ever.

That feeling down in the farthest corner of your gut is the kindling to that growing fire.

Step 2.

Tell them that you love them.

Tell them a hundred times a day.

So now you can start to feel that slow burn right under your heart, you're doing great, it's right where you need to be.

Step 3.

Appreciate every moment you spend together.

You'll notice every single butterfly fly away, revealing who you truly are.

In my case, a love-struck fool willing to do anything just for another second with her.

And your fire is finally crackling with an overwhelming amount of sparks.

Step 4.

Have some fun together. Go on dates for weeks without end! Dance until you have to get up to catch your shift at that café where you first held her in your arms, where you might have been a little embarrassed when you walked in with your friend. Then spend the day thinking about her.

Do you know what you're feeling now? The fire has grown so big. It's love. Happiness.

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