This is a stupid letter.

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I shouldn't even be writing this letter, but here I am.

Claire, I know you're just trying to avoid us, but this is getting ridiculous. It's been weeks since we've heard from you and our only solace has been Chase, who apparently is a better sibling then you are right now.  At least he responds to my texts, cause without him we would just assume your dead.

You know you have mom all worked up. She calls me, on an average, of five times per day wondering what the hell you're doing. You better be grateful for the fact that I've been covering for your ass. I've been lying to her this whole time because she still thinks we're talking to some extent. So, you better come home for Thanksgiving or else I'll tell her the truth.

You know what?! I'm blackmailing you now. I thought I would just make this letter cute and stupid, but no! So get yourself home. That's an order!


P.S. I would have put Xs and Os, but I'm still mad at you.

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