CHAPTER 22 : I Get The Suprise Of My Life

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22|I Get The Surprise Of My Life

"IT'S my birthday, I get to decide", Lee stated, shutting us up.

Its been around three months since our little training session. It was the beginning of the Season of Advent. And with that --- apparently --- came Lee's birthday.

Around the second week of October, our school was supposed to have the Homecoming Dance. Zach had even asked me to the dance. But then, it was cancelled due to lack of funds. Principal Tanner said he'd compensate by having the Senior Prom earlier; the twenty-second of December to be precise. The day was nearing and Zach still hadn't asked me to be his date to the dance. In fact, after I'd turned him down the first week of school, he had never really asked me on a proper date again. Sure, we hung out a lot and texted each other often, but we didn't titled ourselves as 'dating'.

This year's Halloween was better than any other. I stayed home, patiently waiting for the tricker-treaters, while Ava made everything in the house float. From lamps to sofas to herself. Everything. The astonished faces of the children and the accompanying parents was quite amusing.

Thanksgiving was a blur. Or maybe I don't want to remember it cause it was Ava's and my first Thanksgiving without our parents. We had this tradition where the whole family would go shopping for a turkey. This year though, Ava and I settled for turkey sandwiches on the beach. When I woke up that day, I thought the holiday would be sad or depressing. I was wrong. It was . . . peaceful.

"And I've decided that we'll go for a movie at the mall", Lee said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I grinned at Alex who suggested we go to a restaurant. But I said a movie would be fine. That's why Lee was pissed. Alex and I had been arguing on this topic for a while now. Needless to say, I won.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, only to see 'Percy' flashed across the screen. I answered the call, "Hello?" "Hey!" he said, weirdly perky, "You remember Hayden?" "Um, no." "My cousin. I mentioned him at your first training." We've had about a dozen trainings since then. We were controlling our powers better each time. "Um, no." "Yes I did!" he exclaimed. "Um, no." "Did too!" "Um, no." There was silence for a while. I even had to check if the call was still on. "I have a feeling 'Um, no' is all you're going to say", he finally spoke. "Um, no." "Ugh!" he said irritated, "Anyway, his flight is landing at noon tomorrow. He'll be at my place by 2. I want you to come here and meet him." Hayden. Hayden is Zach's cousin. He said they're like brothers. Zach and I haven't dated, but I guess I get why he wants me to meet this guy. Then it occurred to me, "Lee's birthday is tomorrow and we're going to watch Vampire Academy at 2:45. So I guess I won't be able to make it." "Oh, come on! They can go to the theater and you can meet him, pause time and reach for the movie", he said, desperately. " Okay, fine. I'll do that", I sighed, cutting the call. "Zach?" Alex asked me, smirking. We were in Lee's house. "He wants me to meet his cousin who's flying in tomorrow", I said.

"It's been thirty-two minutes! Percy!" I yelled. "Kathy, patience!" he yelled back. It was the next day, 2:32 p.m. and Hayden still hadn't reached Zach's place. What was he doing? Sightseeing? "I know he's running a little late. But he'll be here." I looked at his face questionably. His eyebrows were arched together, making him look all concerned. "Argh!" I yelled, letting out my frustration. That's when the bell rang.


Zach races downstairs swiftly and I followed him. I was still walking down the stairs, when I heard a chorus of, "Zach!" "Hayden!"

By the time I reached to the main door, Zach was hugging his beloved cousin. All I could see of Hayden was his dirty-blonde hair in a messy emo style. Also, I noticed he dressed a lot like Zach --- T-shirt, shirt, jeans and converse. I wanted them to stop hugging each other like they haven't seen each other in almost year. Oh, wait. They haven't.

They finally loosened their grip over each other. "Where are the mothers?" Zach asked Hayden, while he stood in front of me, blocking my view of Hayden. "Shopping", Hayden said, sighing. He sounded so much like Zach. But more . . . uh, masculin-y? "They sent me here by myself. So it took me a while to find your house. Sorry if you were waiting for too long." "Not a problem, man", Zach said.

Not a problem? I'm gonna be late for the movie! And what's worse, Zach has seemed to have forgotten I exist. I cleared my throat angrily. "Oh, sorry", Zach said stepping aside, "Hayden, this is my", Zach hesitated, "Friend." I was taken aback by that word. Surely, we were more that just friends. But I had no more time to ponder on that thought.

I can't explain it. I mean, this Hayden fellow was approximately as cute as Zach. Okay, not really. He was cuter. Except for the spiked blonde hair and dark brown eyes, you could definitely see the family resemblance. They even were of the same height. Although, Hayden was buff compared to Zach. Which wasn't saying much, since Zach was practically scrawny. But Hayden was just so different. I couldn't point out what it was about him.

I shook myself out of the trance and stepped forward to shake his hand that he put forward. "Hi. I'm Kate." The moment I touched his hand, I was overwhelmed. It was like what I feel with Zach, only a million times more.

I was staring at him wide-eyed. And for a second, he was doing the same. I've always wondered if Zach felt shivers down his spine like I did. But whenever I asked him, he seemed clueless. So I shrugged it off as an amissium thing. Hayden, however, definitely felt what I felt. He quickly changed his expression and smiled, "Nice to meet you, Kate."

"I . . . I . . . uh, gotta go", saying that I ran out of that house.

I paused time and began running to the mall. This was so . . . I can't believe it. How? How could he be? Was this some sort of sick joke of the Maiores to punish me?

I reached and unpaused time. I met Lee and Alex and gave a card I made to Lee after wishing her. I drew The Deathly Hallows on the front, so obviously, she was quite amused. I decided to wait until after the movie to tell them. Why should tickets to such a good movie go to waste? Especially since I like vampires. I wonder if the really are the way they are depicted in stories. Maybe I should ask Lee later. After I sort out this whole Hayden ordeal.

Around two hours later, we were out of the theater and in the Food Court. We had ordered and were now sitting at a table. Lee was ranting on about how her uncle got her this game that was clearly meant for a kid. My legs were tapping involuntarily and shaking the plastic table. I had to tell them. I couldn't keep it in any longer.

"Zach's not my soulmate!" I blurted out. The two of them stared at me aghast. Alex, the first one to come out of her state of shock, said, "Then who is?"

"Hayden", I bowed my head and replied.

Dun Dun Dun!



I just realised, this is the 22nd chapter! \ö/

They grow up so fast :'D

I forgot to mention this in the book, but Zach's brown hair and black highlights are 100% natural. I've added it in Chapter 11, if anybody wants to check it out.

Anyway, MORE importantly OH. MY. GOODNESS...HAYDEN!??!

Comment and let me know how surprised you people are! Hehe.




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