CHAPTER 19 : Shex

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"YOU remind me of Peter Pettigrew", Lee scoffed. She was comparing how he betrayed The Potters to how I 'betrayed' her by luring her here to talk to Alex. Something tells me she really likes Harry Potter. I mean, I too love the series and all, but not as much as Percy Jackson. All hail Poseidon!

"Come on, Lee. All this anger just for a date?" She folded her hands, "I don't mind the date. Teenagers date! But she has to understand that she's an amissium. She can't just go around dating people." "I can if I want to!" Alex stood up protesting. I was standing in between them. At first I thought it was a good idea. But now I'm heavily doubting it. What if they start to fist fight? I really don't want to be in the middle of that.

I pushed my silly thoughts aside. Lee looks more like a verbal fighter anyway.

"Well, you shouldn't. That's all I'm saying." "But it's my life!" Alex partly yelled. This schist was getting serious. "Then why tell me this stuff? I don't wanna know!" Lee exclaimed, also yelling.

This was getting too much to handle. All this noise would wake up Aves. Maybe I should intervene. "SHUT IT!", I screamed, to overpower their voices, "BOTH OF YOU!"

I looked at Lee in fake fury, "Lee! What do you want Alex to do, huh? Touch every guy she meets?"

I could see Alex's reaction in my marginal focus. She was controlling her laughter. Right now, I wanted to burst out laughing too.

"Stupid Gryffindor", I heard Lee mumble. How right she was. I've always considered myself one. "Stupid? What house do you belong to then?" "Slytherin, of course", she grinned.

Alex sat back down on the sofa, "Don't tell me you're a fan too!" "Uh, I watched the movies and read the books. I think they're cool and all. But I'm not a 'fan' fan", I explained, sitting in the couch myself.

Out of nowhere, "Guys!" Lee started screaming. "What?", Alex and I asked in unison as we turned our attention to her. And then it was much more clearer. Lee was floating. She had practically reached the ceiling.

"Make it stop!" she yelled. Clearly floating around was not her thing. "Lee, are you flying? Does this mean you're a Class Tría or Téserra now?" Alex asked her bewildered. "No. But I do think Ava is awake though", I sighed.

I paused time and got Lee down, which was tough to do since she was a statue in midair and I could just barely reach her. I didn't want her to be flung around the house.

I went to my room, where Ava was sleeping. She was now sitting on the bed with my laptop, playing games.

"Felling better?" I asked, knocking on the door. "I feel great, Kay-Kay!" she screeched. I checked her temperature, but it wasn't high. That's weird. It's like her fever just disappeared. "Wanna meet my friends?" I asked.

We were sitting on the sofa, listening to Ava's weird dreams. "And then the slide went under the house. So we were underground. And I saw a mole and a raccoon and a bunny and then we . . . "

Lee and Alex were visibly holding their laughter.

Finally, Ava stopped and kept to herself. It was a huge relief. I mean, that girl can talk! Yeesh!

"So, I'm gonna need your opinion. I really need it." Alex was informing Lee and myself how desperately she needed a second opinion on what she would wear for her date.

"Why would you wanna sleep with a boy?" Ava asked Alex out of the blue. We were all staring at her wide eyed. She was also holding Alex's phone.

"What?" was all I could manage to get out. She showed us Alex's text to Lee where she wrote 'It's not like I'm going to sleep with the guy!' Alex was clearly blushing. I gave myself a mental facepalm. How careless of me to just leave her phone there.

"I don't get it. Why sleep in the same bed as boys?" she asked again, "Boys are so gross." She scrunched her nose. I was so relieved. She actually meant 'sleep'. Kids are so naïve. I love that.

I laughed. And Lee and Alex followed me. "Go play games, Aves."

She gave me a bored look. As she was walking away, she mumbled, "Why can't you just have shex with a boy like a normal teenager?"

Once again, we three were staring at each other in awkwardness.

"Are you sure she's seven?", Lee asked.


HELLO! Ava is SO cute! I love her!

I'd like to thank my supportive readers, voters and commenters.

P.S. If you're all three, you rock!




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