CHAPTER 9 : Secreta

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EVERYBODY must have secrets. Right? Small ones; ones people couldn't care less about. Mine? Forget about people judging about them. I didn't want them to know. Outside my family, only Alex knew. And I told her about nineteen months after we became best friends --- that part didn't take long since we were each other's only friend. So that says something.

I still remember that day as though it happened just yesterday . . .

"I know why the leaves are green. It is because fairies paint them every night." "No, Amanda. It is because of photosynthesis", I corrected my neighbour. Granny asked me to play with the neighbourhood children. But I don't like them. They do not like the same things I do. We have no common interests. They like coloring and I like reading.

"Photo-what? How do you know much? It's not normal. It is weird. You're weird." I felt like crying. Mommy always says they're just jealous of me. Stupid neighborhood children. Oops. I said the 'S' word. Will apologize to Mommy and Daddy later.

Maybe I shouldn't tell them. They'll get upset. Don't wanna make Mommy and Daddy upset. Not now. They're so happy. I'm getting a baby sister. I'm happy too. I'll finally have someone to play with. Granny shouts sometimes. So she's no fun. I know my sister won't shout. I like her. Without knowing her I like her.

But . . . what if she doesn't like me? What if she calls me 'weird' like all those other bullies?

The sun was . . . what did mommy call it? Oh, yes! The sun was 'setting'. Mommy said to be home before it gets dark.

So I gathered up my books and walked from my garden to the back door of my house. When I walked in, I heard some voices. Hmm . . . confusing. I did not see anybody come. Among those voices, I also heard mommy's voice. May be those people were guests. Yay! Guests!

I peeked around the counter. In front of Mommy were three people. A man, then a lady and again a man. The men were wearing suits. And the lady was wearing a pretty pink gown. A princess in one of my books has the same one.

They were arguing.

"Don't do this", Mommy said, placing her handover her giant, round belly.

"You always knew it would come to this. You should've been better prepared, Ariadne."

The lady said mommy's full name. Everyone just called her 'Aria'.

"Please . . . you don't have to do this. There has to be another way. I already have a child." Mommy's eyes were filled with water.

Do what? What were they talking about?

"We warned you. We told you this would happen if you conceived another child. Now you and the unborn suffer the consequences." I did not like this lady. Her voice was scary.

Mommy started coughing and fell to the ground. Those three people disappeared. "Daddy! Mommy's sick!" I shouted as loud as I could. Daddy quickly arrived along with granny. They took Mommy to the hospital. But she passed away long before making it there.

I sighed at the memory. I was an innocent six year old. I didn't understand what was happening. Roughly around a year after mom's death, dad married Gizelle --- the woman who hates my guts.

I soon realized those three people were the Maiores. I don't know why they killed my mom. All I know is that they warned her I was never to have any sibling. Always to be alone. But Julie was conceived. So they killed my mom and sister.

And when I was called into the Maior Dome, they didn't even mention my mom. They just briefed me a little --- and I mean a little. Because I knew practically everything.

They owe me an explanation. If they can kill someone and not show the slightest remorse, the least they can do is explain.

I had no clue to lead me to the reason for their murders. But I do know two things :

-I will get to the bottom of this.

-I hate the Maiores with all my heart.

Secreta- (Latin) Secrets

Hey people! This chapter was a little peak into Lee's life. Hope y'all liked it and now know Lee a little better.





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