CHAPTER 10 : Filía

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KATE was reeking nervousness. I kind of pitied her. And Alex wasn't helping either. She kept asking Kate the same questions over and over again, 'How are you so powerful? What's your power?' I was intrigued to know myself. A Class Pénte. Such amissiums were a class apart. They came as rare as . . . well, me not being sarcastic. Yup. You got that right. They're very difficult to find. At the most you'd see a Class Téssera. I'd like to think that Alex and me are lucky to have found her.

Typical Al. Kate said she'd tell us if Alex and I stop staring at her. But when we did cut her some slack, Kate didn't utter a single word. She kept fiddling with a fat, silver ring. I'd seen it before while she was walking in my direction; it shone in the sunlight. She wore it on her left ring finger. Almost looked like a silver wedding ring.

I asked Alex to tell Kate her power, to make the newbie feel more comfortable. But as Al spoke, I dreaded suggesting it. Kate's eyes were filled with shame and regret. Now I was more curious than ever. How bad could her power be?

The way she look down was scary somehow. It looked as though she wasn't proud of her powers and what she had done with them. But what could she have possibly done? She hardly looked like a girl that would harm somebody.

The warning bell rang and she took off after I told her where exactly her class was. She didn't even turn to give us a second look!

But what was she hiding?

I was so focused on my thoughts, that I didn't even notice Alex threaten Kate. And the funny part is that now, she had a reason not to look back. She might've been afraid we were running to catch up with her. All thanks to Alex and her last minute threats.

"We better go too", Alex called. She had already gotten up from her seat and walked five steps ahead.

I've been known for sticking my head in the clouds --- especially since I'm reminded eight times a day by Gizelle. But this was too much. I didn't even notice her get up!

"You coming? Or you gonna get us late again and detention on our first day?" Alex said teasingly as she walked to the school.

"Excuse me? I'm pretty sure you are the one to get us late. I'm punctual, and you know it!" I pointed my finger accusingly at her while I ran to catch up.

In school, everyone was running around, trying to get to class on time, since the last bell had already rung. Needless to say, we were doing the same. What I hadn't told Kate, was that Alex and I had our first lecture in the class adjacent to hers. I hadn't gotten the chance to check what classes we had in common.

I had to literally drag Alex away from the lockers --- from where she could see her 'not' crush, Adrian McLean --- and into the classroom. He was one of the school's 'must date' guys. Of course, a lot of the guys in our school were titled as 'Must Date' as different girls had different tastes in guys. There was no specific guy that all the girls fangirl-ed over. Alex has a crush on Adrian McLean. She agreed before, but now she denies it. 'I'm over him', she says. Ha! I wish she could see how she drools when he passes.

I was still pulling Alex's collar --- like a lady --- and trying my best to get us into class, when I saw it.

Kate was walking into her class with Issac Winston, also known as Zach Winston. Another 'must date'. As much as I hate to admit it, he was cute. That was a given. He usually hung out with three scoccer players at lunch. Away from the rest of the players. He was in my class once in the freshmen year. But we never spoke. Now I'm wondering why he doesn't spend time with other people. And by 'people', I mean girls of course. Maybe he was different. Maybe he's not like the rest of the moronic guys in this school.

But I know that since he knows Kate and we know Kate . . . well, you get the idea.

Filía- (Greek) Friendship

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