CHAPTER 2 : The Questionable Deal

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o2|The Questionable Deal

     EISA continued, "We are much aware that you have kept everyone you know in the dark about your power. For that, we are grateful. You shall be rewarded."

     How did they know? These people and their secrets were getting on my nerves. Sure, they were telling me some details. Keyword being 'some'. I don't even know what language they are named in.

     But I had a much more important question on my mind, "Grateful? Why?" I asked. Eisa rolled her eyes, "Do you know how many generations have told humans about their powers? How many memories we had to erase? How many wars almost started, just because humans can't handle the truth? So, yes. We are grateful." I noticed that she said the word 'humans' with disgust. Like she uses a much degrading word when not in the company of guests. But I was too shocked to ponder on that topic.

     Could Eisa's words be true? Amissums shunned in society because humans couldn't accept us or our powers? That's not fair! I felt a sudden rage build up inside of me. Like a fire flared in my heart for all the amissums out there --- my brothers and sisters --- whom I didn't know existed until five minutes ago, but felt an urge to protect.

     This feeling, this anger, was hatred for humans. Something I didn't know I had. I thought I was human until just ten minutes ago. A five second pep talk from Eisa made me feel this way. Or maybe she was making me feel like this? I mean, she has powers too, obviously. It could be emotion manipulation.

     Boy, I did not like them. I needed to change the topic. Fast. Before my newfound hate made me do or say something I'll regret. 

     "So . . . what do I get?" I asked in a suspiciously perky voice. But they didn't read too much into it. The quiet blonde with red eyes, named Zefran, spoke, "Have faith in your decisions, little one." I looked at him blankly, "What?"

     I noticed Eisa give him a death glare. As though she didn't like the fact that he spoke in her place.

     Wait. What if one of them can read minds? Fish. I need to think of something else. That's a nice chair Eisa is seated on. I wonder where she got it from . . . ?

     "Kathryn," I cringed at the name very obviously. I've done it before. It's almost like she was calling me that on purpose. "The decisions of an amissum are never easy", Eisa spoke up, "But you believe in your choice. You trust in it. And everything will work out. Always."

     I mentally rolled my eyes at the way she said 'Always'. What a typical Harry Potter move. Does that mean she has read the books? Maybe they ain't so 'ancinet' in their ways after all.

     I still had no idea what they were saying. So, I asked innocently, "What are you guys talking about?"

     Eisa's voice softened, "We're giving you an out. Pack up, leave Manhattan and never come back. In return, we will give you a power. The power of reading minds. You'll know what the other person knows when you pause time." She was looking at me sympathetically. They all were. "Why would I want an out? I mean, my life ain't perfect. But who's is? So thanks, but no thanks. Keep your 'out'."

     The next words Eisa whispered, I would never forget for as long as I lived, "Your life, is never gonna be easy, Kathryn. But always remember, you have an out."

     Why was she telling me this? Why couldn't she just come out and say what she had to say straight forward? Why was she speaking in riddles?

     I was horridly confused. I was in my own world, making assumptions, till I realised the three of them were staring at my feet. I looked at my feet as well. But there wasn't anything interesting going on. Just my feet in my blue flip flops. No snakes wrapped round my feet or a bunch of creepy, crawly spiders gathered near them, as I originally imagined. No reason for the Maiores to be staring at them so intensely. Unless they thought flip flops were informal, of course. So, I looked back at the Maiores. Only this time, I was back into my room, staring at my door.

     Did all of that really just happen? Or was I imagining things? I am an ammisum? Sure, I'd always known I am different. But I have gone through life thinking I was alone. No one like me exists. There was a brief moment at the age of thirteen where I considered being a superhero. And now I'm some sort of mythical being? Part of me wants to yell off rooftops how awesome this is and part of wants to run into my closet and never come out.

     Also, what about the conversation with the Maiores? An out? None of it made sense. Why were they offering me an out? What could possibly be coming my way that I needed an 'out' to escape? Whatever it is, it hasn't happened yet. So I assumed I needn't worry for now.

     Time got unpaused. It was 5:08 a.m. I have a good three hours of sleep ahead of me and I don't intend on wasting a single second of it staying awake any longer.

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Skittles for everyone!




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