CHAPTER 11 : The Judges

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11|The Judges

"WELL, well. Wednesday Addams. Are you stalking me?" He had a smug look on his face. I however, was still shocked. "I . . . uh . . . I could ask you the same?" Yeah, not my best moment. He stood and put forward his hand to help me up. I snapped out of it. I got up without his help, "So chivalry ain't dead, huh?"

"Ha! You'd be surprised."

"Uh huh. Can I have my books back now?" I put my hand out. "Sure", he gave me my text. He's actually kinda sweet. "But you can't have this book that isn't in the syllabus", he lifted my notebook --- it was black with big silver stars on it. Forget what I said about him. I changed my mind.

Evelyn and Scott got the book from Britain the morning before they met me. Why buy a book? No clue. It's basically the only remnant from their trip. Other than the pictures and me, of course. I carried it with me everywhere, though it was empty. It was my only attachment to Europe.

I warningly looked at him, "Come on now. Give it back", I said, as I tried to grab it. He dodged and started walking into class. "You'll get it when I'm done with it." He began making himself comfortable on a seat near the window, at the end of the class. I sat beside him.

If only he knew how easily I could pause time and take the book from him. But I'm afraid, that would raise too many questions. Up until now, I had ignored all the stares I was getting. "Percy", I taunted, "Give it!" "No, Wednesday", he said, stressing on my fake name. He continued inspecting my book.

He was grinning, avoiding my gaze. Hm . . . I wonder what he was thinking. So for the first time in a long time, I paused time and let everyone's thoughts flow into my mind.

I heard she has a kid.

What a freak.

How can they let someone like her roam around freely, let alone come to our school?

Apparently, she ran away from a mental institution and took an orphan kid as her hostage.

I wonder why she's so enthusiastic about getting her book back. Its not like I'm gonna read it!

Someone said she killed her parents.

I stopped the thoughts and unpaused time. I couldn't take anymore. How could people be like this? Judging on stupid rumours. I'm the freak? The freaks were the one's who believed the rumours in the first place!

"Do you want it?" Percy said pulling me back to reality. "Um . . . no. Keep it", I said. I didn't care anymore. Also, I knew he wouldn't open the book. Not that he would find anything even if he did. Percy frowned. "Class, I'm Ms. Peters. Most of you know me. I'll be teaching you English Literature for the rest of the year", the teacher said as she placed her textbook and some papers on her table. "I'm pleased to tell you we have a new student joining us this year, Kathryn Doyle. Tell us a little about yourself, Kathryn", the teacher smiled. That, was the last straw. The rumours, and then she calls me 'Kathryn'!

I involuntarily stood up. Instead of introducing myself like the whole class expected, I stammered, "I . . . um . . . EXCUSE ME!" Saying --- well, more like yelling --- that, I ran out of the class, tearing up. Those imbeciles! This is exactly what Eisa was talking about! Imagine if they knew I had powers! No wonder a war almost started between humans and amissiums!

At a distance, I heard the teacher say, "Mr. Winston! Where exactly do you think you're going?" "Out!" someone yelled. Soon I hear footsteps approaching. But I am a fast runner. I ran out of the school gate, when I heard, "Wednesday! Wait! Hold up!" This boy gets curiouser and curiouser. He called me 'Wednesday', despite knowing my real name.

I almost stopped. Then I remembered the reason I began running in the first place. So I continued. But he somehow managed to get closer by the second.

I knew he would eventually catch up. So there was only one thing I could do. I turned into an abandoned alley. Not the smartest move, I know. But it was broad daylight and I figured I would pause time and run home. He couldn't follow me then. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks. Just before I could pause time, I got a tingly feeling in my stomach --- again --- as I felt someone's warm arms wrap around me.

"What in Hades? Let me go! Now, you highlighted hair weirdo!" I struggled, but it was of no use. "No can do. And for your information, the black streaks are natural." I looked up. Percy's was smiling at me. It wasn't a smug look. It was a genuine smile. I never would have guessed his brown hair and black highlights were natural. I forced myself to stop crying. Kate Doyle does not cry in front of anyone. "Are you okay now? Can I let you go?" I didn't realize I was staring into his deep golden-brown eyes. Why was he so cute? More importantly, why did he care enough to follow me? Even more importantly, why was he hugging me? "Gladly", I said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry. Are we interrupting something?", Lee asked. She and Alex were standing at the beginning of the alley.

All I could think was, 'Uh oh. Busted!'

Percy's hands left my waist in embarrassment.

"Didn't think you were the kind of girl who would bunk school to be with a guy, Kate", Alex stated. "I . . . I'm not! I just . . . " Okay yes, I stammered --- again. But I bet you would do the same if you were in my shoes. Percy hadn't said anything. I wasn't even sure if he was breathing anymore. "Whatever. We'll see you tomorrow, Kate", Alex said and they both walked off.

"I'm gonna die of embarrassment in this town", I sighed. "Don't think that's possible", Percy said. He was lookin at me with a doe like expression. For a moment, everything was silent. Until I yelled, "And what on earth was with all that hugging?" I punched his stomach. Thankfully, he wasn't really muscular. That is to say, no abs, which also means it didn't hurt to punch him. He gave me that stupid, well known smug look of his and said, "My mom says when someone's angry or upset, you hug them. It calms the nerves." I honestly didn't know what to say to that. "Speaking of, why were you upset?", he said, placing his hand a little above my elbow. "I don't wanna talk about it", I softly said, pushing away his hand.

I began walking of the alley, onto the street. Fortunately or unfortunately, he followed. "C'mon! Tell me!", he yelled. "Don't follow me. I'm a fast runner. You wouldn't be able to keep up", I casually said. "Oh? Wanna bet?"

Before I knew it, we were planning out where our race would end. "So are you familiar with Café Munch? Straight down this road and your first right. Let's see who's faster."

I did know the place. Aves and me and brekky there our first morning in this town. The place is awesome.

"Three, two, one . . . GO!", Percy called out and we began running. We seemed to be at the same pace.

Soon the café was in sight. There was a crossroads ahead. And the shop was on the other side of the road. Looked like we would have to wait for the signal to pass. As we approached closer, I noticed the signal was red. Yes! I could make it if I ran a bit faster. I was just about to cross, when the signal changed color and the vehicles started moving. Fish! Now we had to wait an excruciating minute before the color changed again. I stopped in my spot and turned to look at how Percy was doing.

Too late I realized he wasn't stopping. He ran past me and was halfway across the road.

Honk! Honk!

A big, yellow school bus was headed towards Percy. And to make matters worse, the stunned Precy had stopped running. He was practically calling for death.



Supp guys! This is my fav chapter so far. Eh heh. Hehe. know the drill


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