An old friend

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We touched down in a town called Landview, Florida. We got off the helicopter and we followed Ace as he led us to someone he knew. I had no idea why were were in Florida again.

He knocked on the door. A guy answered.



We stood there as they looked at each other then smiled and hugged.

"You look good," Ace smiled.

"So, do you," he complimented him back.

"Mind if we come in?"

"Not at all," he said stepping aside. We looked around. It was a beach house which sat in a secluded area.

I looked around. How could we trust this guy? I knew nothing about him.

He closed the door and walked over to us.

"Ryan, Jordan and Frazier meet Jake Holland, my godson," Ace introduced us.

I stood there.

"Ryan will you relax. Jake is upstanding guy and if he wasn't, he would be dead," Ace said quickly smiling then it disappearing.

He turned to Jake, "you have to forgive Ryan. He tends to be untrustworthy with people."

"No worries. I've dealt with it enough to know how people can be, plus you taught me well," he said nonchalantly. "Anyways what can I do for you?"

Ace just got to the point, "the Santiago's have been here and took mine and his wife." Jake gave him a look. "They escape and are safe now but Luis took something else."


"A baby."

Jake looked at us then rubbed his chin.

"Any clue as who may have this child?"

Jake looked at him.

"Ace, how would he know that," Chase asked him.

"Because I was stolen myself," Jake said.

That shocked us.

"Any more questions," Ace asked Chase, who shrugged.

"Wait, stolen?" Frazier asked quizzically. The one time I wish he would be quiet, he opened his mouth.

"Yes stolen," Jake said walking away.

We followed as he went into the kitchen and pulled down glasses. Then he pulled out a bottle and started to put contents in it.

"See, I was stolen when I was a baby by the Santiago's then dumped on a doorstep. Which belong to my grandfather. He took me in and made my "parents" adopt me but that was a mistake. Then later on I was with my grandfather when he met with a man, who happened to be Ace's father, Brian. Turns out Brian had an affair and I was said product. Things got bad and I got stolen. When they confirmed DNA, Ace was designated godfather to me," he explained not flinching.

"But he's your brother," Frazier said.

"Yes. Just like your actually Ryan's cousin but adoptive brother," he replied.

We all looked at him.

"I do my homework," he smirked.

"Now that we have a lesson in history, can we get down to business," Ace asked.

Jake handed me a tumbler and I declined it. He shrugged.

"Okay kid, what can you tell us?"

"Not much," he said taking a sip. This was useless. I didn't even know why we were here and I had no patience for games.

I started to walk away when he said, "except that child is in trouble."

I stopped and turned to him. He walked out of the kitchen and towards me, "that child was placed with unsavory people that shouldn't have a child."


"The Grady's. But good luck finding them. They disappear quickly. That's how they operate."

"You sound like you know them?" I arched an eyebrow at him.

"I went to school with Stanley. He was a piece of work as is the the rest of his family. Always causing problems. They are the last family you want to be wrapped up with," he spoke.

"You sound like you had experience with them?"

"They tried until I knocked him out then Ace stepped in. I got lucky. But I can tell you now their beef goes way back with the Morgan family and if they know your families know each other, that child is destined for nothing but trouble," he finished.

I looked at him. I knew he wasn't lying. Ace is not the type to tolerate lies from anyone. It was time to go. Especially if we wanted to catch them before they took off on us.

Before leaving Ace stopped, "when you going to settle down little brother?"

"When I meet the right girl. Haven't met her yet," he shrugged.

"Well, when you do, I want to hear about it."

"Ace, I'm not settling. Not after the last time. Who knows, I may just meet her when school starts," he smirked.

"How old are you," Frazier asked.


"And you're still in school?"

"Yeah as a professor. I just got into town not too long ago. There's a week before school starts up. I figure I can accolade myself with everything," he said nonchalantly.

"Good luck," Frazier chuckled as we all left.

That was wild to know someone was stolen only to return years later. Brian didn't seem like the type to cheat but then again, things were different with the bosses. It wasn't talked about and people kept their mouths shut.

I had to wonder about what uncle Mason said about once you're in you never get out. Was this my life? Did I want to be stuck doing business in a shady way? I knew my family did a lot of stuff, they shouldn't have done but I never questioned it. Now I am.

Once this was done, I was going to have a sit down with Mason. I was tired of watching my back. Tired of worrying about my family all the damn time. They didn't deserve to be a part of a life they were thrown into, just because they were born into it.

I wanted to grow old with my wife and enjoy our grandkids. I just wanted normalcy, whatever that was.

We left Jake's place and made our way back to the chopper. We decided to let Frazier put his computer skills to use. It was time to find that baby.

Jake is from Landview: Sophomores. Ace does show up and there's more in store in the final part, which hasn't been written yet.

All three storylines are woven into each other and connected. A Touch Of Saintwood connects the dots sort of speak.

Get ready for the hunt for baby Zander.

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