The deal

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Did you forget our deal?

"No I didn't forget the fucking deal," I growled.

Good. Meet me in a half hour and bring your boys.


Fanfuckingtastic. Things finally settled down only for everything to be disrupted thanks to this fucking deal. I needed to take care of this and be done with this fucking family once and for all.

I dialed a number.

Cherrio dear boy.

I didn't have the fucking patience for this nonsense today. I was already on edge.

"Half hour. You know the place," I said hanging up.

I dialed another number.


"Don't start with me. I'm not in the mood."

I was in the middle of something.

"Well, now you un in the middle of things. Half an hour. You know the place," I said hanging up.

I sighed running my hand in frustration. Will someone tell me why I'm friends with those two idiots? Or better yet brothers?

I pulled on a hoodie when she walked into the room.

"Where are you going," he asked with a worried tone. I knew she would be worried. She always got that way just before I had take care of something. It was a natural way about her.

I walked over and placed my hands on her face, "I have to take care of something."

She gave me a look as she placed her hands on mine, "why?"

"Because I made a deal. I can't break this deal. If I do, it puts all at risk," I said reassuring her.

"I just hate this. What if you don't come back," she said with a pleasing look in her eyes.

"I got the boys backing me up," I said with confidence.

"That makes me feel better," she scoffed.

"Hey, don't be that way. You know I can't be in a better position than when they're with me," I said.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Look it's just a meeting to figure out the logistics of it all.  I'll be back later on," I said.

She nodded and I watched tears fall down her cheeks. I pulled her lips to mine. God they were so soft. There wasn't any way I wasn't coming back to her or them. I craved her.  I always did since the first day I saw her.

I gave her a soft kiss then left. I wanted to get this done and over with.

I pulled up and there they stood leaning against the car.

"Took you long enough," Jordan said.

"Alex and him were probably busy making out," Frazier grinned.  I walked over and smacked him upside the head.


"We were not making out you idiot!"

"With you, one can never tell," he said emphatically.

We started arguing when I heard someone say, "looks like some things never change."

I turned to see Ace, Chase and Brax behind us.

"You know need to keep this one in line," I said thumbing towards Frazier.

"Yeah tell me about it," he nodded towards Chase who shrugged.

"How do you want to play this," I asked him.

"Simple. In and out. You know the deal," he said.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Don't worry.  Come on we don't want to keep the Santiago's waiting," Ace said and we walked into the building.

We walked in and the brothers stood there.  We all walked towards them until we were face to face with them.

"Glad you kept your word," Hector said with a smirk.

"I always keep my word," I said in a husky voice.

"Yeah, well from past experiences we want to make sure," he said.

"Don't worry about us. Ryan told you we would be here and we're here," Frazier snapped.

We looked at him and he shrugged.  I just rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Hector. He handed me a file. I took the file and opened it, "those are all the names of the targets. We want them eliminated. In and out.  Quick."

I looked up at him as the others looked at the file, "after this we're done. Right?"

"Of course. You keep your word, we keep ours," he said smirking at his brothers.

"Fine.  We'll be in touch," I said nodding to the others as we walked away.

Ramon looked at Luis, "you're going to just let them walk away?"

Luis watched as we left the building, "of course not. I know they have the girls. I know they took most of my money. What they don't know is after they eliminate the competition, we eliminate them. Their family has stolen from us for the last time."

"What makes you think you can take them down," Enrique asked.

"Because I know I can," Luis said.

"Luis you tried. Everyone you sent has failed," Hector said.

"Because they were incompetent. Me not so much. If you want a job done right, you do it yourself. Once they are eliminated I want the girls and all my money. And if you have to, take it out of their women in kind," Luis said.

"With pleasure. I loved how the young ones screamed the last time I had an encounter with them," Ramon said.

"You like them young, don't you," Enrique smirked.

"They're even better when they put up a fight. The last two just laid there, making it less fun," he smirked.

"You're something else brother," Hector said shaking his head.

"You just handle the deals, I'll handle the women," he said poking him with his finger.

Once we were outside I looked at Ace, "I don't like this. Something doesn't feel right."

"I know what you mean," Ace said.

"Do you think they suspect," Chase asked.

"They would be stupid if they didn't. Naw, they're up to something," I said.

"Not here. We'll talk about this another place. Gather the best guys you know and meet us in an hour," Ace said. I nodded and the three of them got into their car.

I watched them drive away, "Ryan I have a bad feeling about this," Jordan said.

"You're not the only one. Call the boys. Tell them to meet us and come in one car," I said.

Jordan and Frazier got into a car and Jordan made some calls as I headed back to mine. Deep down I knew this deal was bad. I didn't trust the Santiago's period but I did trust my boys and Ace's crew.

With that I got into my car and headed out. This time I was going to take care of things once and for all.

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