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I knew we needed to surprise Luis, to catch him off guard. I also knew we had to find out what they did with that baby.

The six of us flew to our next destination. If it was anything I learned from my family, always expect the obvious. We touched down in front of his house and Hunter stopped the helicopter. We got out and walked up to the door.

We didn't bother knocking. We just let ourselves in. We walked into the house and heard a gruff voice, "welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself at home."

We walked inside and I said, "cut the shit Luis. You know why he are here. One to kill you and two, you have something we want."

"Oh really? And what might that be," he said with a hand raised as he sat in a chair.

"You took a baby," Ace spoke.

"Baby? Hmmm, what is this baby you speak off."

"Cut the shit Luis! We know you took that baby. Now give it back," Ace barked.

He rose from his seat and walked over, "oh, I'm sorry but I just can't help you." He shrugged.

He was toying with us until we saw him pull out a gun and hold it to his head. Before we had a chance to react, he pulled the trigger, splattering his brains everywhere.

We stood there in stunned silence. Our one lead, blew his head off. He planned this. I turned and walked away.

I walked out of the house and stood there.


"An anxious father is waiting for the return of his son and the one lead we had is dead. How do you tell someone they are never seeing their child again?"

I turned and looked at them.

"We're all fathers. We got to see our kids grow up and have families of their own. Xavier and Leslie won't. So tell me how fair that is?"

"Ryan, we will find him. Even if we have to search until the day we die," Frazier said to me as he walked towards me.

"Frazier it's like finding a needle in a haystack," I told him.

"Ryan, they helped my boy. I refuse to give up so easily. I'm not a quitter," he shot back.

"Are you saying I am?"

"I don't know you tell me?"

I stood there looking at him. I thought back to when were kids. Frazier had every reason to quit but never did. He was one of those guys that had a determination like no other.

He walked by me.

"Where are you going," Jordan asked him.

"To find a baby, you dolt," he huffed.

"You don't even know where to start!"

"Doesn't matter! I'm Frazier! I'm that damn good!"

"And an idiot," Jordan sighed as he walked after him.

"They always like this," Ace asked me.

"Ever since we've became friends," I sighed causing Ace to laugh. The four of us followed them so the two of them didn't kill each other.

Now I had to break the news to Alex that we had to go on a searching expedition. She was going to kill me.

Crash! Bam! Boom!


"You told me after this you were done!"

"But I promised!"

"No you didn't! That idiot did!"


"Here I thought Hope had a temper," Ace said to the guys as they stood in the living room while Alex lost her shit with me.

"That's tame compared to my wife," Drew said as they all looked at him.

Dishes went flying at my head as Alex unleashed her anger. I just ducked so I didn't get hit. Finally I had enough of her tantrum and tackled her.

"Get off of me!"

I didn't say anything as I crashed my lips onto hers. She resisted then finally caved. Once I was able to settle her down. I looked at her and she sighed.

"Come on baby. You know how it feels to know your child is out there helpless."

"I know. It's just that what if you don't find him?"

"Then we keep looking in shifts," I said to her and she nodded.

"Wait did he just volunteer us," Chase asked.

"Yep," Brax said.

"Good luck explaining to Hope, Ace," Chase said patting his back and walking away.

"Yeah, you're on your own pal," Brax said walking away.

Ace went to find Hope as I got up and helped Alex up. We walked into the living room.

"Do you really need to make out," Matthew asked.

"Do you need to breathe," I asked him.

He gave me a luck.

"Eww gross," RJ said.

"And the rabbits are at it again," Frazier smirked.

Then we heard Ace yell, "hey there is no need for that kind of language! That's not even feasible! I don't care! I am not doing that!"

"Looks like Ace told Hope," Chase smirked.

"Yep," said Brax.

Ace walked out of the room and over to us, "don't say it." I looked at him as he walked out of the house. I turned to see Hope standing there looking none too happy. We turned and left.

I hoped we could find this child and return him home so we could finally have peace. I had a feeling even if we did, we would never have peace.

We climbed into he helicopter and Hunter lifted us up.

"Where to Ryan?"

I looked at Ace, "Well?"

He looked at us and leaned over, telling Hunter some coordinates. Hunter nodded. Then headed into the direction.

"Where are we going," I asked him.

"To see an old friend."

With that we flew to a destination, heading to Florida. I had no idea who we were going to see but it was someone Ace knew. Let's hope they had some answers.

We know they are heading to Florida and that Ace knows the person. Get ready cause this ties into another series, that is currently published.

Everything is linked.

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