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Xavier's POV

I sat outside on the back deck staring into the distance. Every time there was a lead, someone took off to follow it only to come up empty handed. His sixteenth birthday passed. Leslie and I would celebrate, just the two of us like we did every year. With one single cupcake. We would make a wish and blow out the candle.

Our wish never came. But we still had hope. Hope one day, he would come home to us. I tried to keep Leslie's spirits up but it was hard when I felt defeated myself.

"Hey brother," Zane said taking a seat next to me.

"Hey Zane," I sighed.

"They're going to find him," he reassured me.

"I keep hoping one day they will walk through that door with him. That I will see those eyes. He has Leslie's eyes and my nose. Then I think, does he have my color of hair or hers? Does he look like me or her? Does he have a little of each of us?" My heart felt heavy then I heard a little voice say, "hi daddy."

We turned as Zane's daughter ran over to him. She was about four. Then Madison walked out and joined us. Zane picked up Bella and placed her on his lap, while his wife took a seat next to him.

"Hi uncle Zay," she said cheerily.

"Hey sweetheart," I said giving her a small smile.

"Why are you sad?"

"Because uncle Zay is missing your cousin Zander," I said to her.

"Oh. Is he sick?"

"No hunny. He's away right now."

"But he will be back, right?"

I looked at her. She had this look in her eyes and it was something I knew we all needed. Hope. A four year old had more hope than is adults did.

I reached over and took her from Zane and placed her on my lap. I looked at her, "Bella, I know he will be back. Do you know how I know?"

She shook her head and her eyes grew big.

"Because he has to come and meet you because you are the sweetest little girl I know."

"I love you Uncle Zay," she said wrapping her arms around my neck. I returned her hugged. Bella's hugs were amazing. They could make anyone feel good.

She turned and squealed, "Uncle Leo!"

She scrambled off my lap and ran over to Leo.

"Wellllll, hello sweet pea!" He scooped her up and hugged her.

"Is Lucy and Braiden here?"

"Why of course and so is Uncle Nik," he smiled.

"Yay! Let me down," she squeaked as he set her down and ran inside to see Leo's family.

He walked over and took a seat next to me, "such a sweet little girl."

A frown appeared upon my face and I broke. I couldn't stop crying as I felt arms engulf me as I heard someone say, "we got you."

I turned to see Angie and Nik. I sobbed as they held me. Madison left us alone as my brothers comforted me. This reminded me of when we lost Frisco. A loss we all felt deeply and grieved even deeper.

I just wanted my boy.

Ryan's POV

"Will you two knock it off?!" Drew yelled as Ryder and Ryker kept messing around.

"Come on dad! Lighten up," Ryder yelled.

"We can't help it if you're old," Ryker smirked.

"I'll old you," he yelled as he tackled them.

I stood there and watched Drew horse around with the boys as Matthew and RJ were dealing with theirs. I just back from searching and Ace told me it was time that Frazier, Jordan and I focus on our lives that he and his boys would handle the search.

I felt like a failure. Every time we got a lead, we came up empty handed. It had started to wear on all of us. On top of it, a year after everything went down, Ace got a call his brother had been killed but no body was found. Jake had left behind a wife and baby and Ace wanted answers. Our lives had been in an upheaval with everything.

I felt arms slide around my waist from behind. I didn't even need to guess. I knew who it was. The only person that could calm me, my wife.

"Still thinking about it," she asked as she leaned her head against my back.

"Alex, our lives have been flipped upside down through the years. All I wanted was peace," I sighed.

"I know," she said softly.

I placed my hands on her arms as the boys walked over.

"Hey granddad," they greeted me.

"Hey boys. Ready for school?"

They all looked at me. I knew that look. It was the same one I had with school. What made it better was meeting my brothers and my wife.

"School blows," Frisco huffed earning a smack from Matthew. "Well it does," he shrugged.

"Yeah well, school is important, remember that," I told them.

"Whatever granddad," Ryder said as they all walked past me. I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Ryder! I'm going to beat your ass," we heard someone yell. Then Ryanne stuck her head out of the house, "dad, Sasha is going to kill Ryder!"

"I swear those boys are something else," he said shaking his head as he walked past us. I couldn't help but chuckle as I thought karma is a bitch.

Then I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind.


"Dad! Why didn't you tell me you were back?"

I turned around to face her, "Eh, wanted to surprise you." She hugged me as did Matthew and RJ. I had to admit I did missed my kids. Maybe Ace was right. It was time to stay home and spend time with them.

I had a feeling things were about to take a really bad turn. Call it a gut a feeling but I had an uneasy feeling about this year.

Ryan isn't off about his feeling. You're going to get some insight about what happens to his family.

This where the lead in to Ryker comes in.

If you want to know more about Ace and Jake, read The Touch trilogy and Landview series. You will understand a lot better with both sets of characters. Your also going to see things that will help you understand Ryker better.

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