Authors Note

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As salamu alaikum

Hope you all are enjoying the book.
Make sure you all vote, comment, share and follow.

I'm kinda in a predicament of choosing a cover.
Which do you guys like best?
Please let me know.

Cover 1:

Cover 1:

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Cover 2:

Cover 3:

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Cover 3:

Cover 1 and 3 by AndyCisarova17

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Cover 1 and 3 by AndyCisarova17

Or should I keep the cover that I already have.

Let me know your opinions.

Or and one more thing I kinda entered "My Candyfloss Addiction" in the Silver Awards . I also entered "Smile it's Sunnah!" .

So please check out that book as well. It will definitely make you smile.

Jazakallah/ Thanks


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