Chapter 21

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

" A Huzaifah??", Asmaa asked ,making sure she heard me right. "Yeah and he has gorgeous gray eyes", I answered trying to describe him right. "Nope never heard of him or seen him."

"Same here", Ameer answered. So both Asmaa and Ameer don't know him.


"As salamu alaikum, Umaira!", a familiar voice greeted enthusiasticly. "Wa alaikumusalaam, Ameeeeeeeer!", I dragged his name as I replied softly.
"What's the matter maira? You sound like someone ate your food!", he questioned with concern. "Nothing , it's just since last week when I met that Huzaifah guy I've been feeling like I'm being watched and everytime I look around I see him, most of the time I caught him looking at me.....and...and I don't know his creeping me out!!!". I huffed and just walked out the cafeteria cause I saw him starring at me again!

Ameer's POV

"Umaira wait!". But she was gone already. I looked as Asmaa who was there as well but she just shrugged and discreetly pointed to some direction. I looked and saw that Huzaifah guy.  After Umaira asked us about him, he was introduced to us in class when he approached Umaira again and tried to have a proper conversation with her. He didn't even get the obvious hint she threw at him, that she wasn't interested.

I acted like I didn't see her discrete motion and asked "Is it that time of the month for her or what?". I tried not to burst out laughing seeing Asmaa's precious expression. Her faced was beyond red and she looked flustered. "Ammm....ahhh...", she tried to form an answer but went mute. Oh damn, she's cute!

Wait, what!!! Astagfirullah look away, look away Ameer! I'm falling for her, and I'm falling for her bad! What have you done to me, Asmaa!

Umaira's POV

I'm busy preparing a delicious meal for myself as well as Asmaa and her parents, and my neighbors. Our exams got over a week ago and I'm just so ecstatic! Finally some freedom! We were all so stressed for our exams , but prayers kept us firm in our faith in our Lord. He is the only one to bring us success!

A knock on my door woke me up from my daydreams. "Mairaaaaaa!!!", both the little munchkins knocked me over. Ali and Ebrahim are the cutest. Ameer got my nickname from them, although he hasn't met them.

I giggled and tickled their bellies making them roll over in laughter. "As salamu alaikum my babies! How y'all?", I coed to them. "Wa alaikumusalaam, Alhamdulillah we fine!" ,they both yelled at me and squished me for a hug. I hugged them back.

"As salamu alaikum Uncle Umar, Aunty Khadijah, Asmaa, Uncle Adam and Aunty  Aminah ", I chuckled as I greeted them. "Wa alaikumusalaam", they replied in unison.

We were all chatting and busy preparing for lunch when another knock interrupted us. "I didn't invite anyone else....I think!". I was confused. Uncle Adam answered the door. Silence.

"Umaira, there is a young man outside asking for you!" , his voice was laced with anger, worry and concern. "I hope you do remember what our beautiful religion says", he added , sounding firm and cold. I gulped.

In walked Ameer, grinning like an idiot. I feel like smacking that grin off his idiotic face. "Ahhh.... As salamu alaikum Umaira and Asmaa", Ameer greeted a bit confused and nervous. Good now he understands!

Uncle Adam looked more shocked and angry since Ameer greeted Asmaa as well. "Wa alaikumusalaam Amm....Abba..ahh...this is Ameer", Asmaa answered introducing them, "and Ameer, this is my father". She gulped. Awww seems like both Asmeer are trying to impress Uncle Adam!

Uncle Adam looked weary of him. Aww this is sooo damn adorable!


Everyone else was introduced to him and him to the rest. I invited him to stay for lunch since we have more than enough food.

Everyone now knew our whole story of us meeting, Ameer's conversation, not to mention Umar and Lukmaan as well. "As long as you all stay within halal boundaries we fine", Uncle Umar replied after hearing the long story. We smiled and agreed.

"Oh and Umaira since you are done with your studies , a proposal came for you and I asked the family and guy to come over this weekend, hope you okay with that", Uncle Umar asked me a bit worried and concerned.

I don't wanna think about marriage now but with all the pestering and nagging from the others I agreed to at least meet him and his family.

I don't wanna think about marriage now but with all the pestering and nagging from the others I agreed to at least meet him and his family

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Jazakallah Khair/ Thanks for reading!

Do check out my other book

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