Chapter 20

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"Nuuu, and don't try to change the subject Asmeer!", I teased her as she blushed. "You've always wanted a man named Ameer, now you've got one...soon....just make it halaal already would ya!", I laughed as she wacked me upside my head. "You never gonna leave that one now are you!", she glared at me while I took another forkful of pasta and savoured it. We were both at the university cafeteria busy having lunch while I teased Asmaa to no ends. What?!? It's my job!

"Nope!", I grinned while popping the 'p'. "Fine! But what about you? Miss ...", she thought hard, while I looked at her confused. "Damn, I can't even come up with a proper ship name for y'all!", she spoke, still in deep thought. I choked at that, "For who?"

"You idiot, for you and Umar, duhhh!
Damn, Umar and Umaira, hmm now let's see!". My turn to whack her now. Thwack! "Ouch, what was that for!", she seethed. "Thought I might help ya by wacking ya head!". At that we both burst out laughing.

"What's soo funny?", Ameer popped up from no where. We went silent for a few seconds, looked at each other and burst out laughing again! We almost had tears in our eyes from laughing. " If you both are just gonna laugh and not eat that damn good looking pasta, I will!", our laughter died at that and he reached forward to grab both our lunches. I smacked away both his hands. "Don't ya dare!", I glared at him.

He chuckled. I heard Asmaa whispered a "astagfirullah" under her breath. I glanced her way and wiggled my eyebrows. She just glared at me. "Sooo, Asmaa and can Umar and Lukmaan sit with us?", Ameer asked. Then I saw Asmaa's eyes twinkle with mischief.

"Of course, they can!", Asmaa answered a bit too quick. She smirked her evil smirk at me. Agh! I know what this idiot is up to. I rolled my eyes at her and faced Ameer. "Umaira?", he asked waiting for my permission. "Yes, they can and you didn't have to ask."

He waved them to come over. "As salamu alaikum" they greeted one by one. "Wa alaikumusalaam", Asmaa and I replied. Umar sat opposite me and on the left of Ameer, while Lukmaan sat on the right of him. Great! This Umar guy had to sit right in front of me.

Just don't look at him, Umaira. Don't look! Don't look!! My eyes ignored my brain and flickered to his beautiful, memorising ones. He was already looking at me. We both held our gazes. Our eyes dared to look away. My brain scram to look away, my heart thumped harder.

"Astagfirullah", I whispered as I got shy and looked away. Almost immediately, my eyes flickered back. Our eyes met, once again. Shit, his still looking at me. Shyness overpowered me and I looked away. "So Umaira, are ya still gonna eat that good looking pasta or can I finish it?", Ameer asked staring at MY food!! How dare he?!

I took a forkful and landed it in my mouth. The melted cheese covered my tongue and made my taste buds dance for more. "Hmmm, this soo damn good! It's a shame ya don't have any, Asmeer!".  Asmaa chocked on her pasta. Immediately after that I realised what I called him. Shit!

"Asmeer, my new name is Ameer, ya dumbo! Did you forget already?!", Ameer asked with sadness. "Nope! I remember...ahh.. guess my tongue got confused and pronounced it all wrong after being indulged with this tasty pasta..haha!", I quickly replied saying the first thing that comes to my stupid brain.

I heard a beautiful soft chuckle, only to realise it's coming from Umar and I just called his chuckle beautiful. What is wrong with me!?! I cannot be falling for him. No ways!

He continued chuckling until it became a full laughter and then the others started laughing at my reply as well. I blushed and continued eating silently. "MaShaaAllah, great job, Umaira. At least now they forgot what ya called him!", Asmaa whispered while chuckling softly.


What an awful long day at university it was. I dragged my feet to my last class and threw myself on a middle row empty seat. Asmeer went home already as both of them didn't have this class.

As I was scrolling through Pinterest, waiting for the lecturer to come, Lukmaan and Umar walked in. My heart is doing its usual crazy business whenever Umar is around. I continued scrolling , acting like I hadn't seen them.

I was smiling, and laughing like a crazy maniac in my head, as I came across a really funny post. At that moment my head decided to look up, while still smiling. His eyes were soft. He held my gaze. I realised I was still smiling, maybe even more now from meeting his eyes. I got shy and looked away. I glanced back and saw he was smiling too.

My heart was jumping out of my chest, like they do in cartoons. His smile.

"Astagfirullah!" What the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I just look away easily?!?Aghhhh! I was beyond frustrated.

"Umaira, can we sit next to you?", Lukmaan suddenly asked out of nowhere. Nope! I wanted to say while popping the 'p', but the only answer that squeaked out was "Of course you guys can". Thankfully Lukmaan ended up sitting next to me. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten through this lecture.

"As salamu alaikum, Umaira!", another unfamiliar voice spoke. I looked up and was met with gorgeous gray eyes. They spoke a thousand things. "Wa alaikumusalaam, I'm sorry I recognize you from this class but don't know your name?". Hope I didn't hurt his feelings. It was the truth. I didn't know his name, only knew he was in this class.

He chuckled. "It's okay, my name is Huzaifah. It's nice to finally meet you, Umaira!". Okayyy... awkward. What did he mean by 'finally'?? "Amm.. MaShaaAllah nice name and it's nice to meet ya too, Huzaifah". I loved the name Huzaifah a lot. I also like the name Umar. In short, I like many names obviously.

He smiled and sat in front of me after greeting Umar and Lukmaan. From the introductions that I heard, I'm sure they don't know him as well. I was confused. If they don't know him, why was Umar glaring daggers at his back?


Was it too long??

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