Chapter 4

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بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

It was almost Zuhr salaah( midday prayer) time and Uncle Umar was done making lunch.
He made wudhu( abultion)while me and Aunty Khadijah helped the little ones make wudhu. They just love to go to the masjid( place of prayer)with their father. Once they were ready they headed out the door but not before kissing their mother a As salamu alaikum( greeting) before they left . Uncle Umar gently kissed his wife on the forehead and greeted us both before he went out.

I wiggled my eyebrows at Aunty Khadijah once uncle Umar was out the door. She slapped my head jokingly and rolled her eyes. We both ended up in fits of laughter as we climbed the stairs to the second floor.

Aunty Khadijah's and Uncle Umar's room was quite spacious. It had a neatly made bed and a soft,fluffy carpet to go with the bed. The cupboards and dressing table were matching to the bed as well. While taking in the familiar scene I noticed something that I hate...the sun. The sun's rays were shinning in through the glass doors that separate the room and balcony. The view was breath taking from where I stood. You could clearly see the white masjid and the clouds behind it. It beautiful. I would love having a view like that. Waking up every morning to see the masjid.

After Aunty Khadijah made wudhu I went in the bathroom and made wudhu too. We spread the musalaahs( prayer mat) and started praying to our Lord. What an amazing thing praying is . You feel so relaxed and calm. Everything just disappears and it's just you and your Lord, the most merciful.

Quraan ( holy book)is a must, in both my house and Aunty Khadijah's , after each salaah(prayer). So we put the musalaahs back in their place and took the Quraans out to read. Both of us like reading the Quraan loud, not that loud but audible. We read together.

"Mashallah!".. We jumped in unison. Uncle Umar burst in gafaws and so did the kids. We hadn't noticed that Uncle Umar and the kids were back from the masjid. Uncle Umar had listened to us reading the Quraan and hadn't made his presence noticeable once he had entered the room. He couldn't stop laughing at us since our faces and reaction was priceless. That is according to Uncle Umar. Once he stopped laughing he went over by his wife and kissed her forehead once again greeting an As salamu alaikum as usual. He smiled at me and greeted politely in which I returned the gesture.

Once Uncle Umar and the kids were done reading Quraan, we made our way downstairs.Mashallah they read lovely ,I love listening to their qiraat( recitation of the Quraan).
It is so peaceful. Tranquility takes over you and you feel like listening to the Quraan forever.

We all helped set the table while Uncle Umar brought the food to the table. I grinned widely when I realised it's my favorite food. "Lasagne!!!",the boys scram happily as it was their favorite as well. Uncle Umar laughed at seeing us so happy and surprised that he made lasagne. We all were really hungry so we dug in. Aunty Khadijah dished out a huge serving for me while smiling widely. "Aunty Khadijah...I won't eat this much. It's too much for me!", I told her politely. "You need to eat habibty(my love), you work so hard and don't look after yourself properly or feed yourself well enough!",was the reply I received from both Aunty Khadijah and Uncle Umar. "I do feed myself well", I replied but they wouldn't listen.

Food is my first love. So I definitely eat well enough. In fact I eat all the time. Food is always there for me. Whether I'm bored,sad,happy or just hungry. It never lets me down and always makes me happy.

"Bismillah" we all read and began to eat this mouth watering dish that smelt and tastes divine. "Hmmm", I smiled in satisfaction." This is super delicious, Uncle Umar!". He grinned his usual grin , happy that we were all enjoying his home cooked meal.


"Ali!!!"..."You broke my house!!",Ebrahim scram at his little brother for pulling down his lego building. The kids were done eating and were playing with each other. More like fighting with each other. The rest of us were still enjoying the meal.
"Stop it both of you!", Aunty Khadijah shouted both of them to cut it out,since we were still eating and wouldn't be able to stop their argument. They stopped immediately and we continued eating.

Something was definitely up. Uncle Umar and Aunty Khadijah kept giving each other looks. Something that said "No,you tell her". So I was getting a bit worried but I ignored it thinking it was my imagination.

After we all were done eating, we sat comfortably in their lounge watching the kids play. It was nearing afternoon and I realised I hadn't gotten any university work done today. "Jazakallah Aunty Khadijah and Uncle Umar, I really enjoyed today especially the food,but I gotta go now." I was heading towards the door when Aunty Khadijah stopped me and motioned for me to sit down. She seemed nervous so I obeyed her. Uncle Umar looked up and then back down. He was really nervous too.
"Listen hear my dear..."he said and the rest of the words flew over me like a violent wind. Tears fell down my cheeks as I listened quietly while Aunty Khadijah held me,hugging me tightly. Back to reality I thought as I closed my eyes.

 Back to reality I thought as I closed my eyes

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