Chapter 14

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Dedicated to YellowFur3

My phone kept beeping and buzzing the whole night. I had switched it off. Who the hell calls and messages me in the middle of the freaking night. Hope it wasn't the creepo. Thinking about that, what if it is did he get my number?

I'm messing up my mind. Let me just ignore this gut feeling that is telling me that it's him. The creepo. From chocolatey hair dude to creepo.

I sat on my musalaah after fajr and kept pondering and revisiting thoughts over and over again. "Ya Allah! What is wrong with me?"
Pft, what a question. Everything. That's what's wrong.

This is all Allah's plan. I shouldn't question. There is always a reason to why things happen in life. Even the creepo trying to get to me has a reason for entering my life. Well that would be a very weird reason. Allah helps anyone and everyone. I shall always ask for guidance and help. I shall even pray for creepo. Who knows, maybe he needs it.


"Allah doesn't burden a soul beyond than it can bear!"
My brother is the one who kept telling me that whenever I was distressed, depressed or feeling blue. He always pushed me back up and helped me. Damn! I miss him soo much. Now especially,  since I need him.

I sat silently in class while my thoughts made a disaster waiting in my head to explode. I sighed and shook away the thoughts. My mind kept going back to this morning.

When I had entered the university this morning it felt like I was being watched and  followed. A lot of people , including me, get happy when you being followed....

On social media. Not in FREAKING REAL LIFE!!! That's just creepy.
When I had turned around to look , no one. The empty halls teased me but then I saw a shadow slip away out into the morning sun. My body shivered slightly and a cold feeling crept through my whole body.

I focused back to the present. The professor had already walked in and the board was full of a maths problem. Why?? Why do I have maths in my course?? Maybe I should just quit and go learn to be a chef or something. Then I can eat the whole day. Thinking of eating, my stomach growled in hunger. Agh! Focus on the whole maths thing you just missed. I tried forcing myself but each time my mind travelled back to food.

I hurriedly scribbled down the math problem from the board together with its explanation I missed while dreaming of my one true love, food. I shall figure out the maths at home or annoy Uncle Umar to help me.

My mind kept revolving around food while I stared at the professor with a blank expression as he continued explaining maths. Why in the whole freaking world would someone dedicate their lives to maths?!?! Why?! Maybe it's another form of suicide. Yip, definitely! Look at the professor, so dead, so boring, as if he has no life. Wait, he doesn't!!

As soon as the bell rang, I was out faster than Flash. Finally I could go home. I rushed outside so the blaze of the morning sun could warm me up. Once outside I strolled in the direction of my house. Today I had to walk because no one could make it to fetch me. At least I'll get a bit of exercise. Oops! Did I say exercise, I meant extra fries!! Yes, I'm gonna go home and make some fries!! Ooh, this is gonna be good!!

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