You live WHERE!!!!

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Maddison- Where are you-

Flight Attendant- We are now landing please put on your seatbelt and thank you for flying with us.

Me- Awh its over our conversation was just getting good!

Maddison- Wow Alexx wow haha but where are you going in Cali

Me- Im spending the summer with my best friend Jula but i dont know where she lives

Maddison- Cool well im spending time with family..... we live in Calabasas

Me- Oh that place where all the famous people live

Maddison- Haha yeah it is pretty cool seeing the Kardashians

We get off the plane and get our bags. I really was having fun with Maddie she's so cool.

Me- Well heres my number. It was very nice meeting you

Maddison- Cool maybe we could hangout sometime??


Maddison- haha well see you later bye

I wave goodbye and noticed people staring at me..... so i gave them this... t(-_-).. Then i went to my gate and saw Jula but she didnt notice me so i called my mom.

~Phone Convo~

Mom- Hey Alex are you in CA

Me- Yeah i was just calling to tell you i got here safely

Mom- haha well okay go have fun but everyone said they loved you

Me- Okay i love yall too. bye momma


~End of phone convo~

I walked over to Jula. See Jula was sweet, funny, and beautiful but could be bipolar and crazy. But shes 16 so im gonna let her live her life because without her i not going nowhere..... she can drive.

Me- Excuse mema'am have you seen a 16 year old dark skinned 5'6" and BEAUTIFUL

Jula- ALEX!! I missed you but did yo black ass just call mema'am!

Alex- i love you too.

I started walking away leaving my bags by her lol she gonna have a fit


Me- Haha ........i dont know.....YOU

I was already at the car before she could say something. hehe i love this chica.

Jula- You should be lucky i found jesus

Alex- Just unlock the car

Jula- I should just leave you here

Alex- Then you would have carried my bags for no reason

Jula- GRrrrr... t(-_-t)

Alex- I met Maddison Pettis

Jula- Are you serious?!

Alex- No I really met Bowho The Fool

Jula- Was he foolish? ^___^

Alex- *DIES* Lol but where do you live

Jula- -_- you did not just ask that question

Alex- Just Answer the damn question

Jula- Calabasas


Jula- Why are you freaking out

Alex- OMG how many famous people do you know... Are You Famous......Why didnt you tell m-

She back handed me

Jula- I didnt tell you because i knew you would freak out and im not famous nor do i know any celebs

Alex- oh Why not?

Jula- Cause everytime i see them i freak out lol

Alex- Like how

Jula- Okay like everyday i see Jaden Smith and i never say anything i just stand there and look stupid like this :o

Alex- lol

We pulled up in the drive way to her big ass house lmao but then i noticed she was still in school   -_-.

Alex- You still in school

Jula- Yeah for two more days tomorrow full day the next day i should be home by 11:30

I nodded as we entered her house but her parents werent home and she was an only child so she gave me a tour..... They Cashin Out lol... they have a dance studio, music room, trampoline room, ice cream palor,  indoor and outdoor pools, a  basketball court, and a arcade.

Alex- Yall cashin out.

Jula- -_______-

Thats Jula.>>>>>> BEAUTIFUL

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