Movie Day

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The next day. Alex POV

Everybody is doing something so Im stuck home alone. So I decided to call Brandon.

~Phone call~

Brandon- hello?

Alex- hey! its Alex.

Brandon- Oh whats up.

Alex- You wanna come over and hang out with me?

Brandon- defiantly.

Alex- YESS

Brandon- Alright see ya.


~End of phone call~

So Brandon was coming over and I was kinda nervous.


I opened the door to see Brandon in Gym shorts and a grey wife beater.

Brandon- ALEX!

He hugged me. This guy....

Alex- So what do you want to do today.

Brandon- Well since we are not really dressed.

I looked to see i was still in my pajamas which was some spankies and Jaden's shirt.........Dont ask how I got it.

Brandon- Lets have a movie day.

Alex- cool i will pick out the movie you get the snacks.

We went our seperate ways and I put in Shark Tales....... It was my favorite movie as a kid!

Brandon- LEGGO

Alex- Really though.

Brandon- OHHH Shark tales that's that movie!

Alex- True!

 We were about halfway through the movie when Brandon had a cough attack!

Alex- ARE YOU OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Brandon- I was just currently choking on popcorn and you're laughing!

he threw popcorn at my face........... Not cool

Alex- i declare a popcorn war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandon- Oh it's on.

Popcorn was flying basically everywhere. so i tried to run away from him........ OF course it didnt work.

Brandon- Where do you think you going.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back over to him.

Brandon- Your plan didnt seem to work.

I just noticed how deep his voice was and It. Was. Seductive.

Brandon- Why would you want to run away from me.

he turned me around and leaned in.

Alex- uh.

Brandon- GOTCHA

He threw popcorn in my face!


Brandon- hhaahahahahaha.

Alex- Im going to get more popcorn...... YOU are going to clean this up and put in another movie.

Brandon- Gladly.

I went to the kitchen and besides getting popcorn I got CANDY.

Alex- I got candy do duh da da do

I was singing as i was going back in the room.

Brandon- you have a beautiful voice. You know that?

Alex- I hear that a lot but its really not that great.

Brandon- Okayyyy?

Alex- Sarcastic ass.....

I looked at the screen to see paranormal activity 3.

Alex- Stupid ass guy code to put in a scary movie and expect girls to be scared.

Brandon- it works every single time.

Alex- not really.

Im totally bluffing

Brandon- I know your lying.

For the whole movie i looked at the screen not screaming or anything.. I was keeping the fear inside.

Brandon- I'll be back. Need to go to the bathroom

Now i was freaking out because I was alone in a big house. And i felt as if something was watching me.

???- Bang!

Some pots just fell i think. I went to the kitchen to see cabinets open with pots on the ground.

???- BOO!


I turned around to see Brandon laughing -___________-

Alex- That wasnt funny!

Brandon- Awh are you mad.

Alex- Yes

Brandon- Come here.

Alex- No

he moved closer to me.

Brandon- Dont be mad.

Alex- But I am mad.

He came closer.

Brandon- You're not mad.

Alex- So.

He was right but he still came closer amd now we were so close if we even talked we wouldve kiss.

Brandon- I knew you were lying.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me in so tight to his body. I felt his breath on my neck. And a butterflies in my stomach but for some reason Jaden kept popping up in my brain.


I saw Jaden and Stella.

Alex- *whispers* cock block

I pulled away from Brandon's grip.

Brandon- Movie Day.

Stella- What kind of movies were you watching because what i just saw didnt look PG-13.

Sorry guys... School just started so I couldnt update! - Alex

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