My Bionic Idiot

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Outfit: Jade Harley God Tier hoodie and a Sherlock shirt with bright blue shorts and Doctor Who TARDIS long socks and black converse


I woke up and groaned. Today was the first day of my new school. I was attending Mission Creek' Wow another school to be alone at.....' I thought and sighed. I was always was alone when I went to new schools. My aunt always worked in other places. She was a scientist, she was going to be working for The Davenport Industry((sorry if I got it wrong im a derp and I havent watch Lab Rats in a while, *coughcough* mostly been watching Sherlock and Doctor Who and Supernatural*coughcough* I said nothing.....)). My aunt always moved around working for other companies but then she finds a new one and then moves.....but I hope she stays long enough so that I can make friends. I got dress and grabbed my Avengers back pack and grabbed a breakfast burrito my aunt made and left. I walked to school. I got to school and notice I barely ate my burrito so I threw it away.


I walked to the principals rooms"Excuse me..."I said and the principal just gave me my schedule and told me a boy will be waiting for me. Wow what a nice principal......I walked out and saw a boy with brown hair and brown eyes"You must be Cassandra?"He asked"Yes, Cassandra Mengo. But people call me Casey"I replied to his question"Ok, I am Chase Davenport"Chase said and smiled"Nice to meet you, you must be related to Donald Davenport?"I asked"Nice to meet you too and yes I am"Chase said and smiled"Here Ill walk you to class"he added.


I walked in and the teacher,Mr.Nuks, notice me walked in and looked at me"Ah, Miss Mengo, please take a seat next to Mister Davenport"Mr.Nuks said and pointing to a muscular male with dark brown/black hair and brown eyes. I sat in the empty next to him"Hi! Im Adam Davenport!"he said and smiled"Hi, Im Casey Mengo"I said and smiled back. Adam was pretty hot..


We chat for a while until the teacher started to talk"alright now, we are going to dissect a frog. So everyone partner up!"Mr.Nuks said"Casey, wanna be partners?"Adam asked"Sure!"I said and smiled. Adam smiled back


Once the frogs were passed out to each table I grabbed a tool and started to cut open the frog. Adam notice I was messing up"Here Ill help...."He said and grabbed my hand and helped me cut the frog and all. His other hand was around my waist. I blushed the entire period.


After class I walked to my next classes. Adam had gym with me too. We walked to class together.


I met the gym teacher,Couch Trent. In my opinion he looked gay and acted gay. But I ain't judging. I went into the girls locker. Once I got finish getting dress I walked out. I wasn't looking, I ran into someone"sorry!"I said"Oh, its ok!"A female voice said and I look up. I saw a female with brown long curly hair and brown eyes"You must be the new girl, Cassandra right?"she asked"Yes, Cassandra Mengo. But people call me Casey"I said"Ok, I am Breeana Davenport, but most people just call me Bree"she said and smiled. I smiled back"I can tell you have meet Adam"Bree said. I knew she saw me walk with him"Yea, and Chase"I said"Ah, well you haven't met Leo. He is my step brother"Bree said"You are lucky you have siblings, I am an only child"I said


"That sucks"

"Yea a little"

Well you can take mine, Adam is stupid and obnoxious, Chase is annoying, and Leo brakes everything"

"Oh wow"

"Yea but what happened between you and Adam in Biology"


I blushed. She saw"Oh, uh, that was uh, nothing heh....."I said nervously


Me, Bree, and Adam talked the whole time. I explained what my hoodie(God Tier Jade Harley Symbol),my shirt(Sherlock BBC America), and my socks(Doctor Who TARDIS) meant. They looked confuse.


At lunch I sat with Adam, Bree, and Chase. I met Leo. He was a short black boy with black hair and brown eyes.


After school Bree walked up to me"Hey Casey, I know we just met but wanna hang out at my house?"Bree asked"Sure! My aunt won't mind if I hung out at a friends house for a while!"I said and smiled. Leo pulled Bree over in private"Are we sure we can trust Casey? Remember Marcus and look what happened to him!"Leo said"Leo, we can trust Casey. Look we will be on our guard ok?"Bree said"Ok..."Leo said


Once we got to their house and Adam jumped on the couch. I giggled, Adam is so childish"Hey, Ill get us a snack"Bree said. I was about to decline but Bree super speed to the kitchen. My eyes widened, Chase face-palmed"W-w-what....."I said nervous"Casey, can you keep a secret?"Chase asked"Yea"I replied


"Ok, we are bionic. Me, Adam, and Bree, I have super smarts, Bree has super speed, and Adam has super strength"

"Omg thats awesome!"




Adam smiles"wow someone who isn't freaked out for the first time!"Adam said. I smiled. Of course my aunt called and told me to come home"Bye guys!"I said with a big smile"Bye Casey"They said. Adam hugged me before I left and that caused me to blush almost 50 shades of pink.


I got home and did my homework. Then took a bath, then ate dinner. At the dinner table my aunt started to talk"So, made any friends?"she asked"Yes! I made friends with Donald Davenports kids!"I said"Cool, I talked to Davenport today and told me about them. His biggest is pretty muscular and sesy~"she said and giggled"MARIA!"I said yelling her name"What? Its true! If I was 10 years younger I would date him or if I was you!"Maria said(Maria is 26). I blushed"Come on, I know you like him wink wonk~"Maria added"F-Fine I do!"I blushed more"Ohononono yall would be adorable together!"Maria said and giggled. I got up from the table and went to my room and got on Instagram.


Me: so? what do yall think?








Maria:( )

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