Chapter Two: My First Kiss

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I have known the Davenports for 3 weeks now. But I have been home sick for two days. Ugh. I was playing minecraft, Bree,Adam, and Chase had an xbox live account. I wasn't paying attention to the time. It was 5:30. As I was playing I saw Adam's user popped up"Moon_Monkeys has joined Karkitten game"the screen said. I was building my castle, beside mine was Adam's castle,his was barely done and he had alot of pigs spawned around it. One the other side of mine was Bree's she finished hers and she made it look like more of a mansion beach house then a castel. Then beside hers was Chase's castel, it looked more like a laboratory. My castle looked like a castle, I had a small village built around it and I had jungle trees around it so my village was in trees. My villagers were zombies since it was shady. Sometimes at night they will go and attack Bree's villagers and then die in the morning so I had to build a gate around them. I give them villagers for food. There are wolfs and cats running around in the village too. Adam said his villagers were pigs, but once it rained in minecraft and it was lighting and some lighting hit them and they turned into zombie pigmen((lul that happened to me and my friend)). As I build the rest of my gate Adam came up and went in my village to look around. Once I went into find him I saw some pigs, I giggled knowing Adam spawned them. He was in my castle looking around. I added him to a party with Chase and Bree because they got on"sup wiggas"I said"nothing"Chase said"spawning pigs in your castle"Adam said and laughed. I giggled"Adam, don't spawn those pigs in Casey's castle!"Bree said and went into my kingdom and killed them"Bree its ok, my zombies needed more pets"I said"Oh"she replied and went to go build her kingdom. I went to go help Adam with his. I made a big church in his kingdom. They pray to monkeys so I named the church'Monkey Prayers' I giggled, at my church in my kingdom, we pray to whither skeletons. Yea I am retarded, Bree's people pray to cute boys. Chase's people pray to science.......Chase is weird but in a good way. We played for a while until I got bored and got off. My head started to hurt again, welp time to get on netflix and watch Attack On Titans. I watch that for a while until I fell asleep. My aunt walked in a giggled. She turned off the tv. I slept for about thirty minutes. I woke up and saw Adam's in my face"sup"I casually said. I sat up and saw Bree,Chase,Leo, and Davenport. My aunt smiled"I just wanted to invite them over for a while!"she said"oh"I said"Adam has been standing there ever since we got here..."Bree said. I giggled slightly and got up and stretched remembering I was only in a tank top and boxers. Mehh but I didnt care. Adam has pink dust on his face but I didnt notice. I sat back down on the couch and Adam and Bree sat beside me
After a while of talking Davenport got up"Well I think we are gonna go"he said"how about Adam stays for a while, I will bring him home"My aunt said. Ugh screw her! Davenport agreed to it. Laksjdkldjsbfjjdjejdk I wanted to strangle my aunt! She left the room, so me and Adam sat on the couch. It was awkward silence until Adam started to talk"So, how are you feeling?"he asked"I am feeling good"I replied to his question"yay"he said and smiled. I smiled back. My aunt told me she had to go some where. She alone with my crush. One day I was awkward silence for a while" was class while I was gone?"I asked him" was ok, the same old same old ya know heh...."Adam said nervous. I nodded"you ok?"I asked"yea.....yea! Perfectly fine!"he said and I looked at him"Adam?"I kept looking at him"Uh, C-Casey...."
"I uh....."
"You what?"
He kissed me. Once he pulled back I looked at him and blushed 100 shades of pink. He looked away blushing"S-Sorry its just I l-like"Adam said"I l-like y-you too..."I said and kissed him back. We were kissing for a while before I aunt walked in and smirked"Oh~ I guess I walked in on you two~"she said and kept smirking"M-Maria!"I said and she patted my head and went to the other room. I sighed and looked down. How embarrassing.....Adam got up"Well look at the time! I n-need to go home!"He said and left. I sighed again and went to my room.
The next week it was pretty awkward between me and Adam. Bree got a little mad at Adam for kissing her new bestie. I walked to my last class of the day, I was spacing out when someone ran into me(or I ran into them). They fell on top of me almost in a pinning down way. One if there legs was in between mine. I blush,I guess they don't want to move. I looked up and met eyes with Adam. I blushed"C-Casey..."Adam said"Oh h-h-hey"I said. Adam got up and helped me up. He looked at me"Sorry for running into you.....I was on my way to meet you"Adam said. I nodded"I was wondering would you like to go on a date...?"he asked"S-Sure"I replied"Ok s-see you tonight at my place"he said and walked off. I sighed and walked home.
Me: Ok so the date will be in the next chapter. I might be doing it late because I am having family I hope to post another chapter sooner than I did with this one.

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