Chapter 16

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Emily's POV
"I hope you didn't mind me putting my arm around ya" Q said.
"Of course not" I said.
"It's just.. I know what it's like to feel used" Q said. Joe and a Murr both got up and left the table and went to the counter. "...and I hate for someone to feel like that" he finished.
"Honestly, its fine. I feel like Sal and Ashley are using me. Ashley, because now she only talks to me when she needs a lift, and Sal.. well I still love him" I said. I could see Q felt bad for me.
My phone suddenly rang. It was Ashley.
"Can you pick me up?" She asked. I sighed and looked at Q.
"Don't!" He mouthed.
"Fine. Where are you" I asked. I looked at Q who sighed with a smile.
"Sal's place!" She said. 'Great!' I sarcastically said in my mind.
I hung up and told her I'd be in my way.
"Your way to sweet" Q said to me, as I got up from my seat.
"Pushover you mean" I joked.
"No sweet" he replied with a smile.

I left and made my way over to Sal's place to pick Ashley up. I rang her, and she didn't answer. I waited in the car for five minutes, whilst I debated wether to knock. I stared at the door for a while. Eventually I got fed up of waiting and walked up to the door. I knocked it once and awaited for a reply. The door finally opened, revealing Sal.
"Oh hey" he said.
"Is Ashley ready?" I asked him.
"She's in the bathroom. Wanna come in?" He offered me. I was still mad at him.
"No" I snapped. "I'm sorry. I mean no thanks.. I'm just tired" I explained to him, I couldn't bare being horrid to him.
"Look, can we be friends again. Like proper friends?!" Sal asked. I thought about it for a few minutes and agreed.
"Sure" I said with a smile.
"How about I take you for dinner as a sorry one day this week?" He offered with a smile.
"Tomorrow?" I suggested.
"I'm going out with Ashley tomorrow" he said, awkwardly.
"Actually, save the dinner for the two of you. I'm gonna wait in the car" I said, walking off.
"Em!" He shouted after me but I continued to walk away.

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