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vi. happy thanksgiving

Nancy slid across the floorboards from the landing to the kitchen in her pink fluffy socks, looking into the kitchen to see her mother. Her mom had an apron tied around her waist and was moving back and forth.

"Where have you been?" Her mother asked.

"Helping dad set up the table" Nancy replied, tucking a piece of long strand of brown hair.

"Okay, take the potatoes and put them on the table. And where is Katherine?" Her mother asked.

"Katherine is getting changed, but I'll get Ethan to help" Nancy said, grabbing the potatoes and walking out of the kitchen.

Nancy walked into the dining room to see her father and Ethan talking. She placed the dish down on the table and cleared her throat, making the two turn around.

"My mum wants your help, Ethan" I said.

"Oh, okay" Ethan said, putting his drink down and walking out of the living room.

This was Ethan's first thanksgiving with the Rhodes family, and he was doing his best to help. Nancy actually liked Ethan, he was sweet and funny. He also seemed to really love her sister, and so she approved of their engagement.

Nancy followed him into the kitchen, to see her mother talking to him.

"I'll get it!" Nancy yelled, as soon as the door bell went.

Nancy once again slid on the wooden floors, and grabbed the door handle. She pulled it open to see Sebastian and his mother standing there.

"Come in" Nancy smiled.

"I'll get you guys a drink" Nancy said, before leaving Sebastian and his mother in the landing.

"Oh sorry let me take your coats" Nancy said, running back in and having her arms stretched out.

"And make yourself comfortable in the dining room" she said.

Sebastian chuckled at the frantic brunette while sliding off his coat.

"Thanks Nancy" he laughed, passing her his jacket.

His mother did the same as they dissapeared into the dining room. Nancy turned around, walked up the stairs. Looking up she saw her sister standing at the top of the staircase.

"There you are" Nancy said, just as the door bell went again.

"How do I look?" Katie asked.

"Great. Take these" Nancy said, shoving the coats onto Katie and running back down the stairs.

Nancy pulled open the door, slightly out of breath, to see Marco and Izzy. Behind Marco stood his parents, James and Louisa Trevisani. Beside Izzy was her mother, Maria Hernandez.

"Come in" Nancy smiled, standing aside.

The group walked in and Nancy shut the door.

"Let me take your coats" Nancy said.

"Where's villianboi?" Izzy asked, pasing her coat to Nancy.

"I thought I heard someone talking bad about me" Sebastian said, walking out of the dining room.

"Come here loser" Izzy said, putting her arms out.

While her friends caught up with Sebastian, Nancy took the rest of the coats and headed upstairs. She layed them on her parent's bed and then walked down the staircase.

She walked into the dining room and couldn't help but smile, she loved moments like this. Her family and friends in the dining room talking and laughing, on one of her favourite holidays.

Nancy turned around to see her mother walking in. Her hair swooped up in a ponytail, instead of all over the place. She was out of her food covered clothes and instead wearing a navy blue dress. Her mother smiled at Nancy, before moving her attention to everyone else.

"Everyone sit down" her mother smiled.

Nancy pulled out a seat and sat down, Izzy grabbing a seat next to her. Her eyes glanced over the food, and she couldn't wait to eat.

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