31 | real life

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xxxi. her voice

Sebastian had not seen Nancy since the art show. It had been months since they both talked. Which was weird for them both. Usually Christmas was spent with each other, but this year they didn't even send each other a Merry Christmas text. Sebastian still had Nancy's present in his bedroom, not knowing what to do with the red wrapped box. After a while, he had shoved the present in the back of his wardrobe.

Nor had they spent New Years together. Sebastian had spent New Years with Chris and Anthony in LA. Whereas Nancy had spent it with her family, Marco and Izzy. At first it was hard, and that's all he thought about. How he made Nancy cry? And how he yelled at her? It also filled Nancy's thoughts too. But as time passed it didn't feel as terrible. Even when Chris would tell Sebastian to go talk to her, or when Izzy would yell at Nancy to call him. Sebastian had no clue how Nancy was. Until now.

When he heard her name being spoken on the radio, he was immediately shocked. Her name stinging like a thousand needles. He moved his hand to the volume and put it up, like it was a reflex. 'Here's Nancy Rhodes with her new song. . .', the radio host said. Nancy's soft silky voice began to sing on the radio, and god did Sebastian forget how sweet it sounded.

He listened to the song and softly smiled to himself. He smiled because she had her dream, or the beginning of her dream. And it was perfect, just perfect for Nancy. It removed some of Sebastian's guilt but not all of it. Listening to the lyrics, his heart felt heavy. He missed his friend, and he knew if they weren't arguing that he would be by her side. He wanted to be there for her, to tell her he was proud. But he couldn't or he just wouldn't.

Sebastian parked his car and turned off the radio, composing himself back together before getting out of the car. He grabbed his leather jacket jacket and phone. He shrugged his jacket on and locked his car. He walked into Chris' apartment, the door unlocked.

"Took your time" Chris yelled, sitting on the sofa and not bothering to turn around for his friend.

Anthony was sat beside, watching the tv screen.

"I just heard Nancy's song on the radio" Sebastian exhaled, making the men turn around at the same time.

"Oh" Chris mumbled.

"Did you like it?" Anthony asked.

"It was nice. I mean it was great. She's doing well" Sebastian stuttered.

"We were waiting for you to find out about her getting a record deal" Chris said.

"Well, why couldn't you tell me?" Sebastian asked.

"If you wanted to know you could have gone on any of Nancy's social media platforms instead of avoiding her. We're not a Nancy fan blog" Anthony said, turning back to face the tv screen.

"You good?" Chris asked, still looking at his friend.

"Yeah" Sebastian replied.

"Is Lola coming up?" Chris said, changing the subject.

"Uh, yeah. She should be here soon" Sebastian said, walking over to the other sofa and sitting down.

 She should be here soon" Sebastian said, walking over to the other sofa and sitting down

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A/N; Okay so if you're lost there was a lil time skip from this chapter to the last. So it's March/April and the last chapter was early December. What do you think of Lola?

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