[ Glasses ] Richie Tozier 👓

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"Move freak." Henry said to me, shoving me into a locker which probably bruised my arm. 

This isn't a new thing for me, it happens everyday, at the same time. I'm so used to it that I don't even care that it happens. But today I just had enough. 

I speed walked towards him and tapped him on the shoulder. Henry turned around and glared at me. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size, Bowers." I yelled in his face. Without any hesitation, Henry shoved me on the ground and kicked me on the leg. I grunted in pain and held it. 

I watched Henry flip open his pocket knife, but I didn't show my fear. I knew what he was capable of. "You never listen do you, glasses." Henry says, stepping closer towards me. I scoot back, hoping one of the students would do something. Even yell for help! 

"Maybe this will teach you..."

My eyes were full out watering now. Someone, please help me- "Don't touch her!" I heard a familiar voice yell, Richie! I didn't think I would ever be so happy to see that loser. Henry laughed for a couple seconds, then he cut me right on my leg, deep. 

I yelped in pain as he continued to cut me. I tried to fight him but he grabbed onto legs and held them still. I tried swinging my arms but he bite them so hard I started to bleed. 

"I told you to leave her alone!" Richie yelled. He then lunged himself at Henry, grabbing his knife and chucking it across the hall. Richie began to punch him in the face continuously. 

I was impressed. 

Richie stood up quickly and grabbed my hand, yanking me up as we ran. "Where are we going?!" I asked. Richie kept looking forward and kept running. 

"Away from here and away from him."


We ended up going to his house. His parents wern't home so it was just him and I. I was sitting down on his bed as Richie wiped the blood off of my face. I felt a little flustered, I've never been this close to Richie before. 

Richie reached over and got some alcohol and dabbed it into a cotton ball. He looked at me. "This might hurt a little bit." He said, I scoffed. "Please, I can take a little pAin." My voice cracked. Richie smirked as this happened, but kept dabbing. 

"Okay, now you leg." He said. And he started dabbing again. I gripped his bed sheets and hummed in pain. Richie gave me sympathetic smile. 

"There, all done." Richie said, I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Thanks for doing this, it seems like no one cares about me at this school. They just make fun of my thick glasses." 

I said, pulling away. Richie smirked again. "That's not the only thing thick about you." Richie said looking me up and down. I playfully shoved him and looked down at the ground. Richie however, was staring at me. 

I slowly turned my head towards him to speak, but he grabbed my face and smashed his lips on mine. I was shocked of course, but melted into the kiss. He pulled away breathless and smiled at me. 

"Someone cares about you at this school...and it's me. It's ways been me."


Well I'm proud of this imagine. 

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